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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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A step-by-step guide to engaging a community

A simple six-step guide to support you in engaging with different communities

How to engage with a specific community

Engaging with a new community of people can feel a little daunting. We've put together a step-by-step guide to support you when engagement planning. 

Do you know where the community group meeting place is?

Not sure? Use Google search to find the community group, or ask your local authority.

Yes? Start planning to meet up and speak with them.

Have you found a suitable time to meet?

Not yet? Ask them to give you a date and time that’s suitable to them. Make it easy for them – be flexible with your options, and meet in an appropriate place.

Yes? Get prepared for the meeting by finding out about their community and their etiquette.

Do you know what you want to ask and find out? 

Not yet? Identify what you want to achieve by meeting up, it could be recruitment, learning or community relationship building. Make sure you have a clear ask, and highlight the benefits it’ll have on their community.

Yes? Make sure you explain why you’d like to engage with them in a simple, easy to understand way.

Have you shared and understood each other's values and needs?

Not yet? Create a safe space for all, so everyone can share their views. Be open and honest, and listen to them carefully. Clarify through respectful questioning.

Yes? Explain how you’d like to work together – note down key points, share with them, and ask for their thoughts.

Do they know what’ll happen next?

Not yet? Chat with them about feedback, make sure they’re clear on next steps, and check they’re happy with the plan going forward.

Yes? Share what you’ve gathered, agree on how you’ll follow up, and allow for any changes or after thoughts that might arise.

Do you feel confident to engage with communities?

Not sure? Ask the community you’ve engaged with for feedback to see what went well and what you could improve.

Yes? Reflect on your meeting, sharing your successes and improvements with your team. Keep asking questions to reflect, learn and adapt in the future.