Blogs | 30th September 2019
How are Scouts tackling period stigma and period poverty?Scouts are linking with period charities to learn about menstruation, period stigma, period poverty – and what they can do to help.
Blogs | 20th September 2019
What makes an amazing leader?Chris James thinks back on his time as a Scout, and asks that tricky question – what makes an amazing leader?
Blogs | 19th September 2019
Going above and beyond: Explorer ScoutsIf you volunteer with Explorer Scouts, read our advice for helping them through tough times.
Blogs | 17th September 2019
Try shadow puppetry with your ScoutsTelling tales by torchlight is a pastime Scouts have always enjoyed. Here, we explore the ancient art of shadow puppetry, and share some shapes to recreate on your next camp
Blogs | 17th September 2019
A whole new way to see dyslexiaWhy building confidence in those with dyslexia helps them thrive (and how Scouts can help)