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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Explorer Awards

Find out all about the range of top awards you can complete as an Explorer Scout

If you were a Beaver, Cub or Scout, you'll already know that being a Scout is all about completing awards at every step of the journey. As an Explorer, there are more chances to soar than ever before, as you'll be introduced to a whole new range of Top Awards. And once you've earned them, here's where to sew them on.

You can work towards as many awards as you like, at your own pace. Are you ready? Let's get stuck in. 

Reach the Top!

For more information on the Chief Scout’s Platinum, Chief Scout’s Diamond and King’s Scout Award, download the Reach the Top guide for Explorer Scouts, Scout Network members, Leaders, and Commissioners.

Download the Reach the Top guide
Graphic logo of the Chief Scout Platinum Award
Chief Scout's Platinum Award

The Chief Scout’s Platinum Award is a chance to celebrate your progress, and take stock of how far you've come.

Graphic logo of the Chief Scout's Diamond Award
Chief Scout's Diamond Award

The Chief Scout's Diamond Award is the highest of the Chief Scout's Awards and the final step before the King's Scout Award.

Graphic badge for the King's Scout Award
King's Scout Award

The King's Scout Award is the highest award for Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members. Earning it is a huge achievement!

Graphic logo of the Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme

Test yourself with an award for every level of challenge.


Graphic logo of the Young Leader Award
Young Leader Award

Hone your leadership skills by volunteering with a younger section. Learn more about the Young Leaders' Scheme.

Graphic logo of the Explorer Belt badge
Explorer Belt

The Explorer Belt is the challenge of a lifetime. Explore untrodden ground over a ten-day period, test your limits and get to grips with a new culture.

Membership Award

Once you've made your Promise, you'll earn your Membership Award, featuring an image of the fleur de lis. This is the international Scout symbol, worn by Scouts all over the world. 

Graphic logo for the Membership Award

Joining In Award

Joining In Awards celebrate every year you spend with us, starting from your very first day as a Beaver right up until your last meeting. As an Explorer, you can earn up to four. 

Graphic logo for the Joining In Award

Moving On Award

Eventually, it’ll be time to embrace your next big adventure. Get ready for Network: our fifth and final section for 18-25 year olds. 

Graphic logo for the Explorers Moving On Award

YouShape Award

At Scouts, young people learn how to speak up and take the lead. That’s what the new YouShape Award is all about.

Graphic logo for the Explorers YouShape Award

The Earth Tribe Award

An inspiring global environmental challenge where you can learn what it takes to become a Planet Champion.

Graphic logo for the Explorers YouShape Award