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Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Art gallery scavenger hunt

Visit an art gallery, and work as a team to hunt down pieces of art. Can you find them all?

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You’ll need

  • Pens or pencils
  • Clipboards
Art gallery scavenger hunt
PDF – 87.9KB

Before you begin

It may be best to contact the gallery in advance, so they know to expect a bigger group of young people. Some galleries may have special activities or talks, too.

At the gallery

  1. Everyone should gather so that they can hear the person leading the activity. 
  2. The person leading the activity should explain what everyone needs to do to stay safe, for example, where they’re allowed to go and when they should meet back.
  3. Split into pairs or groups of three. Give everyone an 'Art gallery scavenger hunt' activity sheet, a pen, and a clipboard (if you have them).
  4. Everyone should go around the gallery, and search for the items on their scavenger hunt.
  1. When they find each piece of artwork, they should write the name of the artwork. If people want to, they could draw a quick sketch too. 
  2. Everyone should meet back at the agreed time and place.


This activity needed you to problem-solve. Did you plan how to find each item before you started hunting? Did you look for the items in any order, or did you just wander around? What information did you find useful - were there maps or signs, or did you ask anyone? Did you find anything on your list especially difficult to find? Did you still find it? How?

This activity also needed you to work as a team. Was it easier to find the items as a team? Did different people have different skills - some people may have been better at spotting, or planning, or keeping everyone on time? Was it easy to listen to everyone in your group? Did you always agree, or did you have to compromise? Did you all work towards the same goal?


All activities must be safely managed. You must complete a thorough risk assessment and take appropriate steps to reduce risk. Use the safety checklist to help you plan and risk assess your activity. Always get approval for the activity, and have suitable supervision and an InTouch process.

Outdoor activities

You must have permission to use the location. Always check the weather forecast, and inform parents and carers of any change in venue.

If you want to, you can add extra items or questions to the sheets.

  • If anyone struggles with reading or writing, encourage them to join a pair or three with others who are more confident at reading and writing.
  • If anyone has any access needs, visit the gallery before your trip, and make sure that it is accessible. If only some areas are accessible, everyone should stick to these areas only. You may need to adapt the items to reflect the area everyone can access.

All Scout activities should be inclusive and accessible.