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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Preparing your District or County for data migration

Discover the tasks Districts and Counties need to complete, to make sure that their data is ready to migrate

Support each volunteer in the District/Group team to make the updates listed in the every volunteer and Group sections

Update District/County volunteers’ recorded roles

Line managers should make sure that each volunteer’s current roles are accurately recorded on Compass.

Please close roles which are no longer active, including inactive Scout Active Support Member roles.

Make sure every appointed or co-opted member of the Trustee Board is recorded on Compass. Note - volunteers with Ex officio Trustee roles (District and County Lead Volunteers and District and County Youth Leads) should not be recorded separately as a Trustee.

Check the ‘additional actions’ section to see if any of the required actions listed there apply

Update each volunteer’s training record

Make sure all validated training modules (including mandatory on-going training) for each volunteer are recorded and up to date on Compass before Compass freeze.

You can see more detail on what needs to be done in the ‘How your training records will migrate’ section

Close District/County Occasional Helper / PVG-only rules that are no longer required

Although not a vital task prior to migration, it will be helpful to close Occasional Helper / PVG-only roles that are no longer active.

This is particularly important where the Occasional Helper role is a duplicate for a volunteer who currently has a role that requires a criminal record check.

Update Explorer and Network section organisation records

District Explorer Scout Commissioners and Network Commissioners can update Explorer and Network section organisation records on Compass.

All fields in the Compass section organisation record can be updated, but particularly complete, or update, these fields:

  • Section name & type
  • Meeting place and correspondence addresses
  • Primary contact phone number
  • Volunteer email address to drive the group finder system
  • Scouting enquiries email address to drive the group finder system

Compass organisation records for Groups, Districts and Counties can only be updated by the Support Centre. Please wait until the migration to the new system and update those organisation records locally after migration.

Additional Actions

Several volunteers have Section roles at the wrong level. For example, Assistant Section Leader/Section Leader roles held at Group, District or County level rather than in a specific section such as Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers.

These roles will not have a place to migrate to in the new system. Any roles which need to migrate must be moved to the section(s) the volunteer is carrying out the role in – roles which don’t need to migrate should be closed.

For example, a District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts held at District level but not a member of a District Section will not migrate across, but a District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts held at District Section level will migrate across to the right section into the Section Team Leader role.

Several volunteers have roles in Sections which aren’t Section roles. For example, Scout Active Support Member in a Section, or a Unit Leader role at County level.

These roles will not have a place to migrate to in the new system. Any roles which need to migrate must be moved to the appropriate location. For example, Scout Active Support Members moved to Group, District or County level and Unit Leader roles moved to the appropriate Explorer Section. 

Several volunteers hold an assessor role with multiple variants. For example, one assessor may have a role that has variants of Kayaking River B1, Kayaking River B2, Canoeing River B1 and Canoeing River B2.

When migrated to the new system, only the first variant will migrate across. Any volunteers with assessor roles that have multiple variants must have these split out so they have separate assessor roles, each with only one variant. For example, an assessor role with the Kayaking River B1 variant, another assessor role with the Kayaking River B2 variant, etc.

Any assessor roles which migrate across with multiple variants will only have the first variant migrated and the other Assessor accreditations will need to be readded through the new digital system.

There are four types of these to be aware of, a report of anyone who has this issue will have been shared in the July 24 'Scouts Training Compliance' email and will be shared again in September 24. 

Invalid Email/Hard Bounce - The email address entered into Compass is not a valid email address (Likely misspelt) or the domain doesn't exist. This will need updating with a current and unique email address.

Unsubscribed - This member is unsubscribed from all Scouts emails and will not receive their invite to login to the new system. They will need to contact the Support Centre directly to be subscribed to mailing and can control the emails they get via the communications tab on their Compass record.

Soft Bounce - This most commonly occurs when the mailbox being issued is full or the server for this mailbox has been shut down. An updated email address or clearing of the inbox will be required for any emails to sent. 

Preparing your record for data migration

Find out what tasks every volunteer need to complete, to make sure that their data is ready to migrate

Open the tasks for every volunteer

Preparing your Group for data migration

Find out what tasks all Groups need to complete, to make sure that their data is ready to migrate

Open the tasks for groups