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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Support Team tasks with accreditations

Understand which support tasks are shared through accreditations

The District and County Support Teams give tools and resources to help Scouts run smoothly. They create and look after relationships with other organisations that can help Scouts grow locally and further our reach into more communities, and create a positive image of Scouts in the local community. For example, through local media, showing that Scouts is inclusive and open to all.

District / County Accreditations


Our Go Live Supporters are a temporary team created to address the increased number of questions from volunteers during the transition to a new team-based approach and digital system. They provide local solutions where possible and escalate issues to UKHQ when needed.

This team will operate for 6-8 weeks around the go-live period, serving as both a local support system for volunteers and a point of contact for UKHQ when local input is required.


  • Provide the first line of support for local volunteers to get advice to resolve ‘how to’ queries using knowledge to support both the local processes used by our volunteers, and questions about the new digital tools that support those local processes
  • Signpost volunteers to pages on the Scout website or to the Digital Skills Tool and Digital Champions to provide support
  • Enable people to utilise the new digital systems and understand the changes in local processes
  • Identify issues that need referring to the Support Centre
  • Receive and manage local referrals from the Support Centre

Who can have this accreditation:  

  • Any full member

What learning is needed:  

  • None

Who can give or remove this accreditation:  

  • District / County (or equivalent) Support Team Leaders
  • District / County (or equivalent) Lead Volunteers


Our Local Media Relations Lead is the first point of contact for all local urgent media related enquires, alongside supporting local communications and engagement


  • First point of contact for local media enquires
  • Act as the initial point of contact HQ Media Team with any urgent press or media enquiries
  • Engage with journalists where required to comment on any events or activities
  • Be kept aware of upcoming comms training support, and media activity from HQ
  • Support the outreach of scouting locally  

Who can have this accreditation: 

  • Any full member (except anyone whose only role is Trustee, and any roles that do not have a criminal record check). 

What learning is needed: 

  • None

Who can give or remove this accreditation: 

  • District / County (or equivalent) Support Team Leaders 
  • District / County (or equivalent) Lead Volunteers