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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Supporting young people

Although families or schools may usually be the first port of call for many of the issues young people face, a Scouts volunteer may find themselves needing to offer support

Alcohol, drugs and smoking

Take a look at our guidance on substance use and misuse, alcohol and smoking.

Read our alcohol, drugs and smoking guidance >

Find out how to address bullying and take steps to reduce the chances of it happening in your group or section.

Read our anti-bullying guidance >
Bereavement support

Find resources and guidance for you and your group if you face a bereavement.

Read our bereavement guidance >
Digital safeguarding

Find our guidance to help everyone stay safe when using digital tools.

Read our digital safeguarding guidance >
Divorce and separation

Find out how to support children and young people affected by separation and divorce.

Read our divorce and separation guidance >
Healthy relationships

Find out how to support children and young people to make healthy and safe choices in their relationships.

Read our healthy relationships guidance >
Mental health

Find out how to support young people who struggle with their mental health, eating problems or self-harm.

Find out how to support young people >
Promoting a healthy lifestyle

Find out how you can promote a healthy lifestyle to young people and volunteers in Scouts.

Find out how to support a healthy lifestyle >
Promoting positive behaviour

Find out how to support with children and young people’s behaviour.

Read our guidance on positive behaviour >
Young carers

Find out what a young carer is and how to support young carers in Scouts.

Read our young carers guidance >