Safeguarding Code of Conduct for Young Leaders (Orange Card)
Read the Orange Card, our Safeguarding Code of Conduct for Young Leaders
In Scouts, the safety and welfare of children and young people is our priority. Everyone has a duty to report safeguarding concerns. Young Leaders must follow this Safeguarding Code of Conduct to help keep children and young people safe from harm.
Guidance for Young Leaders
Remember what you learned in your Young Leader training about keeping yourself and other young people safe.
If a child or young person tells you about something that's concerning them, or if you're worried about their safety or wellbeing, you must do the following:
- Let them speak without interruption, and accept what they say.
- Be understanding and reassuring, but don't give them your opinion.
- Tell them you'll try to help, but that you must pass on what they've told you to help keep them safe.
- Write down what was said using the actual words used.
- Tell an adult leader, or the UK HQ Safeguarding Team, as soon as you can.
You must tell an adult leader, or the UK HQ Safeguarding team, immediately if you're worried about:
- the actions of an adult or young person, inside or outside of Scouts;
- the way an adult or child is behaving towards another child or young person, inside or outside of Scouts; or
- the wellbeing of a child or young person.
Remember, you're not expected to deal with a concern yourself.
There's help and support available and if you're in any doubt about what to do, you can contact the UK HQ Safeguarding Team - they're there to listen.
Call the UK HQ Safeguarding Team on +44(0)20 8433 7164 (between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) or email
If it's urgent and outside of the above times, you can contact the UK HQ Safeguarding Team by calling +44(0)345 300 1818.
If there's something worrying you and you would just like to talk to someone, you can call Childline on 0800 1111 or get advice from the Childline website.
Code of Conduct for Young Leaders when working with younger sections
Do remember that you are a role model. Other young people, particularly younger sections, will look up to you as a Young Leader so you must set a good example for them to follow.
Do listen to other young people if they have a worry or a concern. It’s important that you (and other young people and Young Leaders) tell an adult leader or the UK HQ Safeguarding Team about anything that makes you (or them) feel uncomfortable.
Do treat all young people equally and with respect, in line with the Scout values. It’s important not to have favourites.
Do say ‘stop’ if you feel an activity is unsafe. Know your limits and stay safe.
Do not plan to be alone with a young person or group of young people, either in person or online. Remember, there should be at least two adults present at any Scouts activity.
Do not join in physical contact games with children and young people.
Do not have romantic or sexual relationships with anyone in the section.
Do not use substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, vapes and illegal drugs, and never allow other young people to use them on Scout activities.
Do not sleep or get changed in the same area as adults or young people in the section.
Do not allow bullying behaviour, including initiation ceremonies, dares or forfeits. It’s important that you (and other young people) tell an adult leader or the UK HQ Safeguarding Team about any bullying behaviour.
Do not use inappropriate, suggestive or threatening language, whether verbal, written or online.
Orange Card
Download the Safeguarding Code of Conduct for Young Leaders or order a free copy from Scout Store.
Download the Orange CardOrange Card - training poster
You can also download a poster version of the Orange Card for use in Young Leader training or order a free copy from Scout Store.
Download the Orange Card training poster for Young Leaders