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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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What can I do?

What can I do?

Become a Green Champion

Complete a five-step programme which makes a positive impact in your community. This could be improving habitats for birds, bugs and bees, learning about the importance of trees and plants, or taking positive steps toward recycling and reducing waste.

An illustration of a girl with long, flowing ginger hair wrapping her arms around a variety of plants and creatures.

This theme is about understanding how wildlife works together with plants, the weather, and the landscape to form a bubble of life called an ecosystem. In this theme, you’ll explore why animals are useful and what they need to live.

You’ll get stuck in by improving local habitats (places that animals and plants live) to make sure lots of different plants and animals can live there happily.

You can focus on birds, bugs, or bees – it may depend on where you do your sessions.

Check out the activities

This theme is about understanding how plants work with animals, the weather, and the landscape to form a bubble of life called an ecosystem. In this theme, you’ll explore which plants are good for nature. You’ll also find out about invasive species: when people introduce new plants or animals that harm an ecosystem.

You could get stuck in by planning, growing, and caring for your own plants, or you could help out at a local nature reserve.

Check out the activities

This theme is about understanding how the items we use in everyday life affect the world. In this theme, you’ll explore what happens to items after they stop being useful to us.

You could get stuck in by finding out about recycling in your local community, taking part, and encouraging others to get involved.

This may be a good theme to choose if you want to stay close to home but don’t have a lot of green space nearby. You’ll still get to spend time outdoors as much as possible.

Check out the activities

Choose your theme

Not sure what theme to choose? Play ‘Go green’ to learn about each theme and vote for your favourite.

Run this activity

Join the Green Young Leaders’ Scheme

Learn how to run the Green Champion programme with the section you support, and become a Green Young Leader in the process.

An illustration of people observing and engaging with the environment.

Build a better relationship with nature

Humans are part of the natural world – our minds and bodies work best when we are connected with nature. Try activities which help you engage with the five brilliant and important ways to make nature part of our lives.

An illustration of various gardening tools, including spades, forks, shovels and watering cans.

When the University of Derby did some research, they came up with ways that people can build a better relationship with nature – a relationship that helps themselves and the planet. They suggest five ways to be closer to nature and improve wellbeing:

  1. Sensory contact with the natural world
  2. Finding an emotional bond with, and love for, nature
  3. Taking time to appreciate the beauty of nature
  4. Thinking about the meaning and signs of nature
  5. Showing compassion and care for nature