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Module H - Programme planning

Aim: This module aims to provide you with the skills and understanding necessary to plan and run a balanced programme for their section over a three-month period. 
Objectives: By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  1. Know where to look for programme ideas.
  2. Understand the concept of running a  quality, balanced programme over a three-month period.
  3. Use a range of programme planning techniques.
  4. Describe what needs to be considered when planning and running activities.
  5. Plan an outline programme for a three-month period.

Outcome: The benefit of this module provides the unique opportunity for planning and development of organisational skills. Helping to ensure requirements are met and put into practice. All skills worthy of any CV.

You can download a session plan and PowerPoint to help deliver the module.

Module H activities

Duration: 20 minutes

Resources: Big paper or tablecloths to write on and pens

Objectives the activity links to: 1. Know where to look for programme ideas 

  1. Split the group into small teams. On tables, ask the ESYLs to write down a list of resources which could help them generate programme ideas. They might include activity finder, programme planning tool, internet search engines, magazines, newspapers, District events, County/Area/Region events, books, previous programmes, other leaders, charities, or other Scouting resources.
  2. If there are any methods that the ESYLs are not aware of, such as activity finder and programme planning tool, then give a short introduction and explain how they can access it.
  3. Alternatively, you could also run this activity as an ‘A-Z’, sticking each letter around the room and asking the ESYLs to walk around adding as many ideas as possible.

Duration: 20 minutes

Resources: 6-10 objects, paper and pens

Objectives the activity links to: 3. Use a range of programme planning techniques and 4. Describe what needs to be considered when planning and running activities 

  1. Split the group into small teams, and give each team a bag containing 6-10 random objects.
  2. Ask the ESYLs to think of as many games, activities and themes as they can, using each object as a trigger.
  3. Teams should try to be as creative as possible and to come up with the most suggestions. Get each group to feed back some of their ideas.
  4. Then, ask the ESYLs to think about how easy or difficult it was to generate new ideas. Highlight the benefits of working together to do this, rather than relying on one person to think of ideas on their own.

Duration: 90 minutes - 2 hours

Resources: None

Objectives the activity links to: 2. Understand the concept of running a high quality, balanced programme over a three-month period
3. Use a range of programme planning techniques
4. Describe what needs to be considered when planning and running activities
5. Plan an outline programme for a three-month period 

This exercise is about getting ESYLs thinking about longer-term planning, so they can make the programme as exciting and varied as possible. As such, it's worth giving ESYLs a fairly large amount of time for this activity, to ensure it's really meaningful. The practice of writing and designing a termly plan is incredibly important.

  1. Split the ESYLs into small teams. Give each of them a time of year (spring, summer, autumn, winter), alongside some specific badges to cover. Ask each team to come up with a termly programme, taking the points you have given them into consideration. You can refer to the programme ideas calendars for ideas on what to run in different months.
  2. Once they have finished, ask the teams to feed back the programme they have created to the rest of the group. What have they included and why? Based on what they learned in Module G, is the programme balanced and of a high quality? Does it include a range of different methods?
  3. Finally, ask the group whether it has made them more aware of the importance of advanced planning. Can they see what problems can arise if individual meetings are organised in isolation? Do they see how a well-planned programme can deliver the balance and the opportunities to complete the various awards?
  4. This exercise should also start ESYLs thinking about the importance of:
  • National, District and County, Area or Region events and activities
  • major projects and national programme initiatives
  • activities they’ve done before
  • new activities they might like to try

5. Any programme should include things that the section members want to do and, where possible, contribute towards awards and badges. Get teams to pick out three or four activities from their programme. Ask them to list all the things they will need to consider in order to run it. This could include:

  • travel
  • permission
  • transport
  • equipment
  • safety
  • numbers

6. Get teams to feedback one of their activities to the group. As a whole group, they should then make a central list of the key considerations when planning an activity.

Conclusion of Module H

Duration: 5 minutes

Summarise the module by revisiting the objectives, and asking ESYLs whether they feel they have covered all of the objectives satisfactorily.