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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Welcoming new members


All young adults, that are members of The Scouts and are aged between 18 and 25 are eligible to be members of the Scout Network.

Membership fees

Members of all Scout Networks are not be required to pay the National Membership Subscription. In essence, this will mean that Scout Network will be ‘free’ to join. Of course, Districts and Counties may continue to charge local fees but we would encourage Districts and Counties to consider the appropriateness of this, bearing in mind that many Members of Scout Network will already be adult volunteers.

Find out more about membership fees.

Members' details

 The personal details for members of the Scout Network will be held in Compass, the Scout Association National Membership database.

All new members of the Scout Network should also be added to the Membership Database with the Membership Type set to 'Scout Network'. From time to time the UK Scout Network will contact all members to make them aware of new and exciting UK Scout Network Projects and News. There are important rules governing the storage and management of personal details, as regulated by the Data Protection Act. View further information on Compass.

View further information on Member record management within administration.

Investing members

Each District Scout Network Commissioner, in consultation with Scout Network members, will devise their own system for investing Scout Network members. Some examples of this may be:

  • Members are invested by District Scout Network Commissioner at an event or activity
  • The Assistant County Commissioner (Scout Network) may invest all new members at suitable large gatherings or events
  • Online.

The method you choose will just depend on the numbers of Scout Network members, their locations and their own particular preferences. Remember that we should celebrate new members joining and make them feel welcome as part of any ceremony.


Uniform and other clothing items can be purchased from Scout Store.

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