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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Residential (Only for Gold)

The residential gives you the chance to work with people from different backgrounds and helps you to rise to challenges you never knew you could meet.

There are lots of exciting opportunities: pick something you’ll find rewarding.

Lots of activities in Scouts are suitable for the residential. While you might fancy something new, you can do a Scout activity as long as it meets the requirements of the section.

Things to consider:

  • You must be away from home for a minimum of five days and four nights. In exceptional circumstances where this is not possible you may be able to spread this across two weekends, but check with your County DofE Adviser before choosing this option
  • You must have identified an Assessor who will complete your on-line Assessor Report at the end. DofE Assessor Report 
  • There must be a specific, shared course or activity to broaden experiences and interests done with an organised group, registered charity or Approved Activity Provider (AAP)
  • Your group shouldn’t be smaller than five people (including yourself) on a residential you should be away with people you don’t already know (and who don't know each other). In a larger group it may be possible to attend with someone you already know if the organisers are able to separate you.
  • Before the residential, you should carry out appropriate training, briefing or research
  • Your County DofE Lead must have approved the planned residential before you commit to attending. This is done using the Residential Approval Form
  • Being a participant at a World Scout Jamboree or World Scout Moot can be used for the Residential section of the King’s Scout Award or Gold DofE
  • If in doubt about anything, chat to your leader or County DofE Lead.

Find further guidance here

Find the Residential Checklist here

List of ideas:

  • Taking part in a week-long discovery of stage combat in Wales
  • Stewarding at a music festival
  • Taking part in a multi-faith residential, studying different religions and how they interact with each other
  • Taking part in a Jamboree as part of the International Service Team
  • Attending a conference on climate change as a youth representative for your local authority
  • Studying coral bleaching in Australia
  • Joining a tree planting project in County Antrim with The Woodland Trust
  • Monitoring the bat population in the New Forest
  • Helping the preservation team of a narrow gauge railway in mid-Wales
  • Undertaking a cookery course in France
  • Doing a photography course run by a university and exhibiting your work
  • Learning to snowboard on an intensive course in Scotland
  • Improving your Spanish language skills on a course in Madrid
  • Learning to write and produce music and putting on a show for locals
  • Helping at a Scout campsite or event which offers Gold DofE Residential opportunities
  • Helping out on a pilgrimage to Sri Lanka
  • Aiding deafblind young people and adults to enjoy a holiday
  • Rebuilding a school roof in Lesotho
  • Being an assistant to support an eco-friendly waste project at an outdoor education centre


DofE Ideas

You might also like to visit DofE website for more guidance and ideas

Get inspired

Residential Approval Form

Before booking a Residential Activity chat to you Leader about your plans. If they agree, complete this form and send it to your Leader who will pass it onto your County DofE Lead. You will be notified when it is pre-approved and you should make sure the form is uploaded to the Residential evidence section on eDofE. You can then book and attend your Residential. You will still need a satisfactory Assessor Report before the section can be finally approved.

Download the form

Current opportunities available for the Residential Section

Young people choose activities for each section of the DofE that are specific and relevant to them. Here is a list of activities and opportunities that are currently being offered to help create your individual DofE programme.

Some opportunities on this page are external to Scouting. Participants/parents/carers booking onto any opportunities should confirm the opportunity meets the criteria of the section they are completing and should follow policies and procedures if the provider as well as following Scouting Safeguarding guidelines.

Staying safe and safeguarding | Scouts

Following rules and policy | Scouts

If you have an opportunity you think would benefit others and would like to share, please send the details to

Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Residential opportunity.

Looking for somewhere to complete your Gold Residential? Why not come and join the 'Summer Squad' at Great Tower?

You'll be working in the outdoors with young people of all ages and have the chance to make a real difference to the lives of young people.

Find more information and an application form here

This is an immersive, fully-funded, hands-on residential camp, like no other. Successful students stay with chaperones on base at RAF Cosford. Each day of the course is delivered at the RAF Museum Midlands or on base at RAF Cosford by RAF Museum STEM Ambassadors, industry experts from Northrop Grumman, TA Education professionals and RAF STEM personnel.

The programme is funded by the Northrop Grumman Foundation and all places on the STAAR programme are provided free to the selected students. Residentials are held between:

• Monday 22 - Friday 26 July 2024
• Monday 29 - Friday 2 August 2024

There are 18 spaces available for each week of the residential - with 36 spaces available overall.”

Find out more about the STAAR Programme

Register your Interest in the STAAR Programme


What: We are looking to recruit members of our Youth Media Team for Larkin ‘24

When: 27th July - 3rd Aug 2024

More info: You will work within the Communications team and have the opportunity to work in one or two areas within the team. These include social media, radio, photography/videography, Drone Operator, VIP/Media or our eNewspaper.

Badge opportunities:

Kings Scout Award – This opportunity would cover the following clause in the ICV List; International – Take an active part in an International Camp in the UK in a role other than being.

DofE Residential - young people will take part in a structured training and delivery programme throughout the week and camp together as a team. Young people will also get a chance to enjoy activities at intervals in week allowing the opportunity to meet new people.

If you are interested in applying or would like some more information, please email

We are a Scout Activity Centre that operates two offshore/ocean going yachts. We run weekends, long weekends and week-long activities from March to October each year taking many scout groups out to sea, awarding RYA start yachting and competent crew qualifications where appropriate or higher level awards such as Watch Leader or Day Skipper for limited numbers of returning participants.

We are also a DofE AAP licensed to run Bronze, Silver and Gold expeditions and residential experiences including trips across the channel, North Sea and to the Channel Islands.

For further information check out our Offshore website or email Danny Ward, AAP Manager at

Carfest is the UK’s largest family fundraising festival! Carfest is much more than just cars - bringing seven magical festivals in one. We have a unique opportunity to complete the DofE / KSA residential!

Who? Explorer Scouts aged 16-17 and Scout Network aged 18-24.

When? Lunchtime Thursday 22nd August to lunchtime Monday 26th August.

Where? Laverstoke Park Farm near Overton, Hampshire

Accommodation? Camping with other Scout volunteers

Catering? Packed lunches are provided (except Monday) and you will organise your own catering (self-catered or on site catering) for all other meals.

Cost? The cost is £10 for the event plus your food and travel costs

How do I sign up? Go to:

More information: Please download the information sheet

Questions: Please contact Simon Appleton at or call 07776 570030.

This is a great opportunity to do your residential by sailing with Discovery Sailing Project. 


Purpose of event: Sailing residential with Discovery Sailing Project yacht. 

Date: Sunday 28 July - Saturday 3 August 2024

Times: 1930 until 1400

Location: Southampton

Cost: £360

Age: 16-25 - if you are under 16 and interested please email and we will let you know if these is space.


Please transfer full payment: 

Account: Hampshire County Scout Council

Sort code: 40-46-39

Account no: 51260936

Reference: 75 DofESail J. Bloggs (or your name)


If you would like to secure a place you can Book here

DofE Opportunity Finder

The DofE have lots of opportunities for each section on their website

Find an opportunity here

Ideas for Activities

The DofE have ideas for activities for all sections on their website

Find ideas here

Funding opportunities

Check out the details of available funding, eligibility criteria and how to apply on the DofE website.

Find funding here