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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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International involvement

International involvement

Most of the major regional or County organised camps in the UK are referred to as ‘International’, yet the degree to which this description is accurate varies between camps. There is a great variation on the proportion of international participants, ranging from 10% up to 50%. In general, the highest percentages depend on a number of conditions:

  • A long history of international camps
  • A requirement that UK participants host overseas Scouts
  • Relatively small camps of around 1000 participants
  • Repeat bookings dependent on ongoing relationships
  • Start your promotions early
  • Build upon existing Group and Twin Town links
  • Send material to the International Office for mailing
  • Complete the World Scout Bureau International Events Form to register on their listings (the form must be counter-signed by the International Office)
  • Establish a website
  • Send information to the preceding World Scout Jamboree
  • Select Scout Centres from the ‘Where to stay in Europe’ guide to send posters
  • Create a basic information sheet in English and add other languages as an insert
  • Be aware of when school holidays take place across Europe
  • Ensure there is liaison within your region/country to avoid unnecessary clashes of camp dates
  • Liaise with other camps to place or receive participants ensuring that all those who want to participate can do so
  • Before the camp, ensure that you have as much information as possible about your visitors
  • Check if the visiting groups have their own insurance and if not offer a suitable
    policy like the one offered by Scout Insurance Services
  • Ensure you are aware of dietary requirements and religious obligations
  • Establish direct communications with incoming groups to make them feel special and allocate a special ‘host’ to ensure there is follow up on arrival at the camp
  • Make sure the group is a member of WAGGGS or WOSM by asking for the written consent of the appropriate International Commissioner (if you have problems, contact the International Office). Individuals (eg international staff members) need to be checked in the same way
  • Send regular newsletters to all visiting groups and carefully explain terminology
    which may not easily translate to another language
  • Consider how to help visitors who need a British visa to obtain one
  • Establish ‘International Patrols’, ensuring there are at least two participants from each country
  • Have an International Challenge to recognise joint activities between UK participants and visiting groups/individuals
  • Have an International Centre/Tent where visitors can mount displays and have their needs addressed
  • Have an International Fair that allows all groups to present aspects of their Scouting to the entire camp
  • Ensure that acts of worship reflect the faiths of all participants

After the camp it is good to follow up the visit with a report on how you think things have gone. You may wish to conduct an informal evaluation with leaders of visiting groups either at the end of the camp or shortly after they have returned home.

  • Ensure you have adequate information so that you can write to your visiting groups, possibly with information about the next International Camp
  • Ask for suggestions on how the camp can be improved
  • Encourage ongoing pen pal links to maintain contact with groups
  • Encourage UK participants to visit their new friends or take part in camps in other countries