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All the information you need for your IST journey to Roverway 2024

International Service Team members are adult volunteers in Scouts who'll attend Roverway 2024 to help deliver the event. IST are the backbone of any international event. Expect to work hard, have fun and make great friends with your international workmates.

Check back soon, this page will be updated throughout our preparation journey! The last change was made on 1 July 2024 to Travel insurance (new content).

Preparing to depart

Every month our whole contingent comes together for an online catch-up. You'll receive exciting updates and news from the CMT, as well as the opportunity to meet other participants and IST members.

The link to join will be shared via email. If you've got something you want us to cover, leave a question on this Padlet. Recordings and slides will be shared on this tab.

Upcoming Roundups (starting at 19:30 UK time)

  • Thu 4 July: Final updates
  • Tue 16 July: Pre-Departure Briefing
  • Thu 8 August: Post-event blues and social
  • Thu 5 September: Impact survey and legacy

Recordings and slides

A key part of ensuring Roverway is a safe and enjoyable experience is all attendees completing a safeguarding course called Safe from Harm.

Follow this user guide to help you access the course and troubleshoot any problems. Click here to access the course for IST/CMT using the key RW2024IST

When you complete the course, download your certificate and upload it to our Roverway 2024 Safe from Harm Form (logging in with your EventsAir account details).

Everything you need to take to Roverway is given in our Kit List, linked in the Useful documents section. More information is available in November's blog.


Uniform is required to be worn on these dates:

  • 22 July (travel) - uniform shirt/blouse & UKC scarf
  • 1 August (Closing Ceremony) - uniform shirt/blouse & UKC scarf
  • 2-3 August (Strandfest & all travel from Stavanger to Copenhagen) - UKC branded clothing & UKC scarf
  • 5 August (travel) - uniform shirt/blouse & UKC scarf

IST members will need an adult uniform shirt with the following badges:

Badge Location on shirt Notes
World Membership Badge Left chest pocket  
Union Flag Right chest May be worn from now and indefinitely on return, available from local or online Scout shops
UK Contingent badge Above left chest pocket May be worn from now until 3 months after Roverway
County/District/group badges Right sleeve Or Nation equivalent

You may also wear Nation and award badges. It's fine to wear your normal uniform, but you can also choose to buy a spare for Roverway.

The UK Contingent IST badge designed by IST members is authorised for wear on uniform as an occasional badge on the right sleeve, until the end of 2024.

You'll need these important documents to travel. You should also bring paper and digital (cloud) copies.


You must have a valid passport with an expiry date no earlier than 5 November 2024.


You will also need a valid UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) or European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If you already have an EHIC, it will still be valid as long as it remains in date. The EHIC or GHIC and your UK passport entitle you to state-provided medical treatment.

Boarding passes and check-in information

Patrol Leaders will receive a 'travel pack' PDF by email, including an itinerary, boarding passes, and check-in information for flights and the post-event.

All medical conditions and medication must be disclosed via the Medical Needs Form, which you should keep updated with any changes until departure.

All medication carried must comply with the rules in Norway and Denmark. You should:

  • Source enough medication to last you for 20 days
  • Keep medicines and medical equipment in their original, correctly labelled packaging
  • Carry 2-3 days' worth in your hand luggage in case of baggage delays, with a copy of any prescriptions. Comply with Hand luggage restrictions at UK airports
  • Carry the remainder in your hold luggage
  • Check the expiry dates of your medicines will be valid for the duration of the event
  • It's a good idea to travel with a letter from your GP that has details of your medicine and the name of the health condition that you need the medicine for (GP practices may charge for this service)
  • Not carry more than for 3 months' use

Information sourced from the NHS website.

Medical equipment and devices

Ensure you have:

  • Consumables for at least 20 days' use
  • If electrical: spare battery packs (hand luggage) and plug adapters
  • Instructions for use and troubleshooting failures

All members should have access to some spending money for optional purchases such as snacks and gifts.

IST members joining the UKC post-event in Copenhagen will be refunded money to purchase certain meals out.

Since Norway and Denmark are near-cashless societies and both use different currencies, we recommend bringing a debit/credit card instead of cash. Make sure you look for a card with no fee for international use.

Mobile phones are vital while travelling abroad. You need to consider how to keep yours powered for the entire event.

You should plan to have self-sufficient power. There may be some access to power on the main site, but this will be limited and in demand.

Here are some top tips when bringing portable chargers or battery packs:

  • Must be carried in hand luggage
  • Maximum capacity 100 Wh or 27,000 mAh per charger (check your airline's rules)
  • Compare your charger's capacity to your phone battery's capacity to know how many charges you'll get
  • Clearly name your chargers to easily identify them at charging stations

You might also look at solar chargers to keep yourself fully self-sufficient.

It's important to keep the information we hold about you up-to-date - especially contact information, medical details and emergency contacts. Using your EventsAir account details to login, please check and update your personal details.

About Roverway

Most IST will be on the main Roverway campsite at Lundsneset, Stavanger, from 22 July. There'll be some jobs to do, and also a programme to enjoy (take a look at Roverway Ready to find out about the IST programme!) Participants will arrive on 27 July.

The site itself

It's a grassy, exposed site, surrounded by sea on three sides. We're expecting 12-18°C, wind up to 15m/s, and rain 50% of the time (maybe less if there's no singing on the coach there!)

The site is mixed-use, with some permanent buildings, and you can explore the site here. Toilets and showers will all be individual cubicles.

There will be some defined smoking areas. Smoking is not permitted in any other area, or in any indoor space.

What to expect

The main site is a melting pot of international cultures. You'll camp with other IST from around the world.

On-site facilities include food shops, a camping equipment shop, cafes including the Rainbow Cafe (a safe space for LGBT+ members and allies) and food houses (where you can buy international food from other contingents).

There won't be a Wi-Fi network, but there is very good 4/5G coverage across Norway – far better than we are used to in the UK. Check roaming packages and consider upgrading or purchasing an eSIM.

A closing ceremony on 1 August will mark the end of the 11 days of Norwegian adventure, with departures on 2 August.

IST members who selected Travel Options 2 or 4 will join the post-event: a shared and unique experience just for the UK Contingent.

You'll be grouped into a 'Clan' with participants and other IST members to travel from the Main Camp to Sola Beach for Strandfest - an exclusive day of activities for the UK Contingent!

We'll then catch the overnight ferry to Denmark and travel via coach to the capital city, Copenhagen, arriving around midday. You'll have 2 days to explore before returning home on Monday 5 August.

You can start to plan your itinerary using information from the Copenhagen blog.

Roverway 2024 can be used towards the following Top Award requirements, for those IST members aged under 25:

These requirements can be signed off by the CMT on request.


The main IST commitment is from 22 July to 2 August at the Stavanger main camp. IST had four options to customise your adventure, including arranging your own travel or joining the UK Contingent post-event experience (2-5 August 2024).

The event fee depends on your travel option. For more detail, check out our September Build-up Blog.

Option Roverway event cost Flights from UK UK Contingent post-event Cost
IST1 Included     £900
IST2 Included   Included £1,399
IST3 Included Included   £1,499
IST4 Included Included Included £1,859

We've provided means-tested grants worth £30,000 from our Inclusion Fund for World Scouting events towards individual fees. We encourage you to apply for grants from local Scouts organisations too.


Fundraising is an essential part of any international adventure. Check out some tips and tricks on October's Build-up Blog.

IST Envoys are a small group of IST members that'll play a crucial role in our IST support structure.

They're the link between the CMT and a clan (a small group of IST members), ensuring that all of our IST members have up-to-date information, and relaying questions and feedback to the CMT.

As part of the Roverway journey, IST Envoys will regularly meet with the CMT, representing the wider IST to help develop an outstanding event.

On event, IST Envoys will still have an allocated role from the Norway organisers and have normal downtime, training and activity opportunities. Depending on your allocated role, you may also be asked to support our UK Contingent patrols during their path, with the support of the Path Leader (part of the Norway organising team).

This role is designed to help ensure that the UK Contingent can be the most supportive it can be, and you’ll have plenty of support from the CMT. It's also a great opportunity to further develop your leadership and communication skills, and help shape our Roverway 2024 experience. 


  • Approachable, friendly and confident in talking to other IST members
  • Good communicator
  • Able to recognise a problem and know when to escalate it 
  • Able to deal sensitively with issues 
  • Previous IST member in a UK Contingent (desirable)  

An adult role on Compass has been created for all IST members. You need following to be in-date for the duration of the event (22 July to 2/5 August 2024):

  • Disclosure check
  • Modules 1, GDPR, Safety and Safeguarding
  • First Response
  • Roverway Safe from Harm course

You may notice additional modules from the adult training scheme on your Compass Personal Learning Plan (PLP). These are outside our control, and are not required for Roverway. You may find them useful in this and other roles, and can get more information from a local Training Adviser.

On behalf of the UK Contingent to Roverway 2024, The Scout Association has purchased travel insurance via Unity Insurance Services with Millstream Underwriting Limited.

The insurance policy is limited to members of the UK Contingent working for, participating in and travelling to the Roverway 2024 between 22 July and 5 August 2024.

The following documents contain important information relating to the policy:

Please ensure you are 'fit to travel' in accordance with Appendix 1 - Medical Disclosure Process.

There is a risk of ticks and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in parts of Norway. Make sure you read guidance from Scouts and the NHS including some tick tips:

  • Avoid long grass
  • Wear long clothes
  • Use insect repellent on exposed skin
  • Check skin and clothes regularly for ticks
  • Carry fine-toothed tweezers or a tick removal device in your first aid kit

You may be advised to take certain vaccinations to visit Norway. You should speak to your GP or a medical professional.

Got a question?

If you can't find your answer on this page, use our support form to get in touch.

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Are you Roverway Ready?

Roverway Ready is the practical information for IST from the Roverway 2024 planning team in Norway. Check back regularly and read it alongside our IST Hub.

Visit the Roverway 2024 website

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