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Creating your patrol's identity

21 September 2023

Identity means a few things in the dictionary definition. It could be your name. It might be a quality that differentiates you from others. It could be a feeling of belonging to a certain community. It could even mean feeling the same. 

We’re heading to Norway as one UK Contingent – including participants, International Service Team (IST) members, and the Contingent Management Team. But within that we have 72 patrols, representing most of the UK and British Scouting Overseas. 

Each patrol is different and naturally has its own identity. Now it’s time to share that with the world! 

This blog will discuss how you can show off your patrol’s identity with a name, badge and social media. 

What’s in a name? 

So far, your patrol has a simple but important descriptor, which is your UK Contingent patrol number. This is how we will refer to your patrol.  

You might choose to create your own patrol name. This is a good step on the way to creating an identity as it can be easily remembered. It also makes for an interesting social media handle. 

For inspiration, try to think of something that connects your patrol. You could also think about what’s unique to your local area, your patrol number, or link it to Roverway. Bonus points if it’s punny! 

Making your own badge 

If there’s one thing on everyone’s mind at a World Scout event, it’s badge swapping. And we all want to have the badge that everyone wants! 

You’ll be able to buy UK Contingent badges to swap. Designing a patrol badge will give you extra swapping material, and is a great way to share your patrol identity visually. 

Start by creating a logo. Here are some things we think you should definitely include: 

  • Your patrol number
  • Your County/Area/Region/Nation name
  • United Kingdom/UK and Norway
  • Roverway 2024
  • Represent your patrol and your local area. 

If you take inspiration from the Roverway and UK Contingent logos, make sure you follow the guidelines within the Roverway graphic design manual and the UK Contingent Brand Guidelines (like local personalisation, size and colours). 

It can be useful to sketch out a few ideas, then vote the final design. If you can’t choose, try to include the best bits of each idea. 

You now need to choose a badge company (there might be a preferred one locally, or search online). You’ll need to send them your design, and decide on size, colours and quantity – which will all impact the cost. You could even send it to a couple of companies to see which gives you the best offer. If there’s a graphic design whizz in your patrol it can be best to try to make a digital logo first, to save on design fees (keep it to use as your digital logo!)  

Communicating with the world 

Now you’ve got an identity, the next step is to share it. A social media page for your patrol can show your friends and family what you’re up to, increase your potential for fundraising and sponsorships, and act as a memory bank when Roverway is over. 

You’ll need to choose which platforms you want to use – they all have different uses and audiences. It’s good to post regularly, so try not to make an account that you forget about.  

Most of all, follow our safeguarding top tips: 

  • Conduct yourself as you would in the real world – be aware of what you say and how you say it, especially when representing Scouts and your patrol
  • Make sure everyone in a photo/video is happy for it to be posted
  • Only use first names for your patrol members, and never provide personal details 

Identity ready? 

Let us know! Make sure you follow @UKContingent with your social media account, and share a picture of your badge. 

We'd love if you can send one or more to us, to be stored in the Scouts Heritage Collection. Please hand in to any CMT member at one of our events, or post to: Roverway 2024 CMT, The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Chingford, London E4 7QW.