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Growing our pod

How we’re recruiting for the UK Contingent to the World Scout Moot.

Blog Author: Christina Wright - UK Contingent Management Team (People)

Applications to join the UK Contingent are now open!  

Here we’ll explain more about what it means to be part of the #MootUK journey and why you should consider putting in an application. We’ll explain how you can apply and the steps we’ve taken to try to make this UK Contingent the most inclusive one yet.

Don't forget that applications close at midnight on Monday 1 April 2024. Once you've read this blog, head over to the Applications page to complete your own application.

Including all Scouts 

We want our UK Contingent to represent Scouts from across the UK but we know that, historically, international Scouting has not always been an opportunity available to everyone. To address this, we’ve worked closely with Scouts HQ and inclusion experts to help us think about our applications process and how we can help to make our UK Contingent the most inclusive one yet. Read on to find out more about how you can apply to join as a Participant or a member of the International Service Team (IST). 


We know that finances can be a barrier to some people attending international events, so one of the ways we are working to make international Scouting more accessible is by shouting about the grants available.  Part of each contingent member’s core fee includes a £10 payment to our Inclusion Fund, which means that everyone is supporting one another to attend this event! When completing your application to join us at the Moot, you can also apply for a grant to cover some of the costs of your core fee. There are grants of up to 75% of the core fee available, and we would encourage anyone to apply who thinks that a grant would help them to get involved with the Moot! You can find out more in our blog post about grants.

Participant Applications

Participants must be aged 18 – 25 at the time of the Moot – born between 26/07/1999 and 25/07/2007. This means we’re looking for older Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members! 

Participants at the Moot will join a patrol of 10 Scouts from around the world and head off with them on a ‘Path’ somewhere in Portugal. Then, we’ll all come together again at Main Camp for a few days of activities and international exchanges.

To apply to join the UK Contingent, you need to fill in the application form. Applications will all be entered into a ballot, and everyone who applies before the deadline (1st April) will have a place in the ballot. This means there’s no rush to get your application in! 

The application form also includes questions about out ‘Opportunity Criteria’. We’ve put these in place to help support Scouts who previously would have been less likely to attend international Scouting events. In the application, we ask you to identify a range of criteria, including whether you have travelled internationally before, if you have attended a previous international event and if this is your last chance to attend a Moot as a Participant. Additionally, we ask about whether you are care experienced, have been eligible for free school meals or been an unpaid carer. Based on these criteria, we will award applicants up to two additional ballot places, up to a maximum of three. 

International Service Team Applications

IST members are key to the success of the World Scout Moot because they are the volunteers that make the event happen! A wide range of skills are needed to make an event like the Moot, and we know it is important to create a team that the organisers can rely on. It is also a brilliant opportunity to expand your horizons and develop new skills.  

IST applications will also use a ballot. All applications received before the deadline (1 April) and who has satisfactory references (explained below) will be entered into the ballot. 

We want our Pod to be up to the challenge of the Moot, which is why we’ll be asking potential IST about their skills and qualities. IST applications with a very high number of skills and qualities will be given additional places in the ballot, up to a total of three.  

You will also be asked about your previous scouting experience, including attendance at previous international events. This will not impact the outcome of the applications and is just for our information, to help us to understand how we can best support our IST once we know who they are. 

All applications for IST also need to provide two references, one of which should be your Scouting line manager. We hope that by including references from some of the people who know you best, we can learn more about you. Each referee will be asked to complete the same questions about the skills and qualities you have, but you can let them know that this won’t take more than a few minutes of their time. 

Know someone who would enjoy this event? 

We have a recommendation form that you can complete to encourage someone to apply. Once you complete the form, we will email them with all the details on how to apply. 

Any questions?

Be sure to have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions to see if your query has already been answered. If it hasn't or your still unsure, please do get in touch with us by completing this form and one of our team will get back to you as soon as we can. We are here to support you throughout the application process.

We can’t wait to see your application to join our pod!