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Top tips for raising funds towards your international adventure

Fundraising is an essential part of any international adventure. There are no magic answers to fundraising – it’s just down to hard work, imagination and dedication, so the sooner you start planning, the easier it will be. You can fundraise individually, as a group or a mix of both to make the most of different opportunities and events. It’s always good to think outside the box, trying something different and exciting that’s not been done before. Remember, there are plenty of other very deserving causes out there who are also trying to raise funds for their work, so be bold but be nice!

Remember, you must observe the rules and laws relating to fundraising. If you are unsure make sure you double-check to make sure you’re following all the rules.

Here’s a list of fundraising ideas you could think about running as part of your journey to the Moot.
  • Coffee Morning – Bake some cakes and treats and invite everyone round for a cuppa!
  • Quiz Night – Write the quiz yourself or download rounds online.
  • Leaflet Drops – Try and get a few businesses to sign up in one go
  • Curry Night – Strike a deal with your local curry house to provide the food and charge a ticket fee.
  • Marshal or provide a refreshment stop for charity bike rides, fun runs etc
  • Rent-a-Tent – Got loads of camping gear sitting around? Hire it out to friends and family.
  • Bag Packing – Join together to cover as many tills as you can and share your story with customers.
  • Car Boot Sales or Local Fairs – Time for a clear out? Buy a table and sell those old DVD’s.
  • Abseiling - How good are you with heights? Lots of companies across the UK host abseiling sessions, often off the top of incredible, eye-catching buildings!
  • Bingo! - Ask local businesses, shops and supermarkets to donate prizes and help sell tickets.
  • Family Scavenger Hunt - Write cryptic clues and challenge teams to work out the route and the landmarks.
  • Name the… - Buy a teddy or toy and ask people to donate to name it. Think about your audience’s interests before buying the item.
  • Race Night – A lot to organise but a brilliant night of fun. Ask local businesses to sponsor races and horses in addition to the income on the night.
  • Sponsored Hike/Run/Cycle Swim...
Sponsorship and Local Grants
  • Giving a talk/presentation to a local group is a great way to share your story and fundraise at the same time. Think about visiting groups such as the Masons, Rotary Clubs, WI, University of the Third Age, Library groups etc who may well provide a donation in return for your talk.
  • Contact your local Parish Council to see if they would be able to help support your adventure. Your Group/District/County/Area/Region may also be able to support you if they have an international fund or the funds available.
  • A lot of companies offer Match Funding to their employees. Speak to your employer and explain what you are doing to fundraise for the Scouts. They might agree to match what you raise or even just donate.

Top Tips!

  1. Try to spread your fundraising out from now until the Moot. Don’t try and do everything at once but leave a few months in-between events.
  2. Try not to target the same people all the time. Think of different audiences/friends/work colleagues who might want to support you.
  3. Think outside the box! The wackier and different the better. Think about your target audience and what they might like to take part in.
  4. Share your fundraising adventures on social media for others to see.

Want to find out more?

There's more fantastic ideas and resources to help with your fundraising on the Scouts website

Fundraising Support