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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

2. Finding a project

2. Finding a project

Despite the great needs that exist, it is not always easy to find a suitable project. The starting point is to evaluate your group's strengths and skills and develop a group feeling for the sort of project you would like to be involved in. At this early stage it's essential to be in touch with your Assistant County/Area Commissioner (International) and the International Office at Gilwell Park. The International Office can give help and support to groups planning community projects and also attempts to assist coordination by monitoring current expeditions.

Suitable projects have been found through:

Existing Links or Twin Towns

A growing number of towns in the United Kingdom are entering into twining arrangements with towns in developing countries. Such a link enabled a visit to Sierra Leone. Other projects have grown from contacts between churches and ministers working overseas.

National Scout Associations

By requests and contacts made by the International Office. This usually involves local as well as UK Scouts. Some Scout Associations, however, have limited resources to work with incoming groups and lack infrastructure to offer much support.

Nevertheless, joint projects with Scout Associations in developing countries are strongly encouraged where possible.

Through Other Expeditions

For example, as a follow-up to a project already initiated. The International Office can provide contacts with recent expeditions.

National Scout Projects

Information on current national programmes can be provided by the International Office

Aid Agencies

Some established agencies are able to co-operate with expeditions through local workers in developing countries. The International Office maintains links at national level.

Be prepared!

Although it is difficult to generalise, the following notes are an attempt to bring together in brief form the comments of previous expeditions.