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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Activities workshops

National assessor and nights away adviser workshops

To help support nights away advisers and county activity assessors in their role, we run a number of activity assessor and nights away adviser (NAA) workshops. These take place each spring and autumn and move to different areas of the UK each time to reach as many assessors and NAAs as possible.

These days are designed to provide updates and support to assessors and NAAs in carrying out assessments for adventurous activity and nights away permits, as well as providing opportunities for peer support and networking.

Each day will include:

  • Updates and training in the permit scheme and the role of the assessor/NAA within it
  • Updates and training in the skills of assessment
  • Practical opportunities to try out assessing techniques
  • An opportunity to have any questions answered
  • An opportunity to make contact and discuss issues and ideas with other assessors/NAAs from around the country.

These workshops also act as the ongoing learning that is a requirement of both activity assessor and NAA roles.

To secure your place simply complete the booking form for the workshop you want to attend, and return it with a cheque to the activities office at least a month before the event.

Running local assessor and nights away adviser workshops

To ensure their assessors and nights away advisers are supported in their role, many regions and counties are looking to run their own workshops.

To help support this the UK activities team has formed a national scout active support unit. The members of this unit are available to work with regions and counties in putting together the content and programme for these workshops, and in finding presenters and facilitators to help on the day.

If you're looking to run a workshop and would like to use this support then please contact the headquarters via the Scout Support Centre and we will try and find a unit member who is available to support you.

Advertising local workshops

We are very happy to advertise locally run workshops to try and get interaction between assessors from many different counties. If you are planning a workshop please contact headquarters so that details can be added to the website.