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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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The Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme

The Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme

The Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme is a system used by The Scouts to enable those who wish to provide adventurous activities to young people in a safe and accessible way. Permit holders have been assessed to show required level of skills and knowledge to safely deliver the chosen activity.

Many activities in Scouting can be done without a permit (although some will require external qualifications), but some activities require a permit.

Delivering activities via the permit scheme is just one method of providing adventure to your young people. You could also choose to use external providers to deliver activities or choose activities that don’t require a permit. If you are using external providers then the A-Z will tell you whether the instructor needs to hold a certain qualification and it will provide steps to follow in order to use the provider.

The A-Z will also tell you which activities require you to hold a permit and which don’t.

There is a huge range of activities that don’t require a permit and which allow for far more flexibility when it comes to delivering them.

A graphic with "Which way to go?" in a circle in the centre with three lines going to "Non-permit activity", "Permit Activity" and "External Provider"