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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Annual General Meetings (AGMs)

Resources to help you prepare and run your AGM

Executive Committees are now known as Trustee Boards. To learn more about what we are doing to improve how we volunteer at Scouts, visit the Volunteer Experience webpages.

What AGMs are

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for members to meet with the Trustees and hear their report on the charity, review of the accounts, and other administrative business. 

It’s a compulsory yearly meeting that happens within 6 months of the end of the charity’s financial year, and where the Scout Council appoints their Trustees. 

There’s a formal part to the AGM, but it doesn’t mean it has to be a lengthy or tedious meeting. This is an opportunity to celebrate the things you’ve done in the past year, show what the young people have achieved, thank volunteers and connect with the local community.

Resources to help you prepare and run your AGM

AGM agenda and script

Guidance and top tips

Here’s a suggested timeline to help you plan and prepare your AGM: 

During the final quarter of the financial year: 

  • Agree the date for the AGM. The AGM must be scheduled for no later than six months after the end of the financial year.   
  • Share the AGM date with members of the Scout Council, your community and any other relevant volunteers.
  • Start planning how the Treasurer will complete the annual statement of accounts and when they need to share it with a Scrutineer/Independent Examiner/Auditor. 

Three to four months prior to the AGM: 

  • Review Trustee Board memberships to identify if any appointment periods are coming to an end, if any Trustee needs (and wants) to be re-appointed, and if there are any vacancies.
  • Agree on how the Trustee Board will conduct an open selection process for appointing Trustees

Please note: appointed and co-opted Trustees (including the Chair and Treasurer) may only be in the same Trustee role on the specific Trustee Board for no more than nine years. You’ll find more information on term of appointment on POR 5.3.   

Two months prior to the AGM: 

  • Make arrangements for the open selection process for appointing Trustees, such as advertising vacancies, running elections, undertaking a search group, or receiving applications.
  • Start preparing the Trustees’ annual report.
  • Receive the annual statement of accounts from the Scrutineer/Independent Examiner/Auditor and approve it. 

One month prior to the AGM: 

  • Send the formal invitation for the AGM to all members of the Scout Council, together with the agenda, the minutes of the previous AGM, a link to the POR model constitution, and a copy of the Trustee Annual Report and Accounts.
  • Finalise any required arrangements for the open selection process for appointing Trustees. 

After the AGM: 

  • Within 14 days following from the AGM, send signed copies of the Trustees’ approved annual report and accounts to: 
    • [If Group Trustee Board] District Treasurer
    • [If District Trustee Board] County Treasurer
    • [If County Trustee Board] Country and UK Headquarters, including the ‘audit’ report 
  • For Districts only: Inform the County Trustee Board who your District representatives are for the County Scout Council.

  • For Counties only: Inform The Scout Association Board of Trustees who your County representatives are for the Council of The Scout Association. 

  • If the Group, District or County is a registered charity, within 10 months of the end of your financial year, send a copy of the annual report and accounts to the appropriate charity regulator, if required.

  • Verify the drafted AGM minutes at the next Trustee Board meeting. 

Here are some tips on how to plan your AGM:  

  1. Ask parents and volunteers to help with the planning and logistics, for example organising and serving refreshments or putting together photographs or activities.  
  2. Invite members of the community who might be linked to or interested in Scouts.
  3. Keep the meeting focused and allow around 30 minutes for the key business.
  4. Ask people in advance if they'd like to add items to the agenda.
  5. Have a plan for how you’ll manage any questions or requests for further explanation.
  6. Consider sending copies (paper or digital) of the Trustees' Annual Report and accounts to people beforehand and have copies at the meeting. 

Here are some tips on how to create a nice environment and get more people involved in your AGM: 

  1. Try holding the AGM in combination with another event, such as a presentation evening, family camp or summer barbeque.
  2. Allow social time before and after the event so that people can get to know each other.
  3. Provide refreshments.
  4. Get young people involved – it’s great for parents to get to see what their children have been doing.
  5. Include videos, slide shows or photo montages of your local events over the past year.
  6. Add an awards presentation as part of your AGM to celebrate and thank volunteers, parents, carers and members of your community for all they do. 
  7. Invite a guest speaker to talk about a specific topic your Scout Council might be interested in - and remember to brief your key speaker before the event.