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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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During the suspension

During the suspension

Interim process for when Compass goes offline

This process will be impacted by Compass going offline for everyone from Thursday 7 November. For details on how this process is impacted and what you'll need to do instead, please take a look at our interim processes.

Find out more about the interim processes

We’re introducing new digital tools to improve volunteering. Follow the process based on your access to the new system.

Find out when the new system will go live in your County

Monitor progress

The suspending Commissioner is responsible for monitoring any investigation that may have been actioned to ensure it’s progressing in a timely manner. 

The Suspending Authority is responsible for monitoring any investigation that may have been actioned to ensure it’s progressing in a timely manner. 


Keep the relevant people informed

The suspending Commissioner is responsible for keeping all relevant volunteers informed. 

You should inform the suspended volunteer of progress at least every 14 days, regardless of anything new to share.  

If you’ve appointed a liaison person, you should also keep them informed and contact them regularly to check they’re managing with the role. 

The Suspending Authority is responsible for keeping all relevant volunteers informed.  

You should inform the suspended volunteer of progress at least every 14 days, regardless of anything new to share.   

If you’ve appointed a liaison person, you should also keep them informed and contact them regularly to check they’re managing with the role.


Consider making arrangements to cover the suspended volunteer 

Together with the suspended volunteer’s line manager(s), consider what arrangements will need to be put in place to cover the role(s) of the suspended volunteer. 

Together with the suspended volunteer’s Team Leader(s) or Lead Volunteer(s), consider what arrangements will need to be put in place to cover the role(s) of the suspended volunteer.


Consider if a modification is needed

Making modifications to a suspension is a tool to allow the suspended volunteer to access a particular event or situation in Scouts during the suspension. This tool can only be used to allow a parent/carer to attend specific, important events such as the presentation of an award or to drop-off and pick up the young person. The modifications are not intended to allow the suspended volunteer unrestricted access to Scouts.

You’ll find more information on suspensions modification in POR Rule 16.4.

Modifications must not compromise the safety and well-being of youth members. In some circumstances, the presence of the suspended volunteer at a Scout activity might intimidate a youth member – this will depend on the circumstances of the suspension. In all cases, you must consider the safety and well-being of youth members as the highest priority.

All modifications to a suspension must be agreed by both suspending and authorising Commissioners and be communicated in writing to the suspended volunteer.

You must explain to the suspended volunteer the exact conditions of the modification, with clear instructions of what is being permitted. For example:

  • “You’re authorised to attend the County Chief Scout’s Award presentations on Saturday 4 October in the capacity of a parent only. Remember that all other restrictions of the suspension remain in place, and you must not wear uniform.”
  • “You’re authorised to take the minimum time necessary to drop off and pick up your child from Cub meetings on Wednesday nights at the Scout HQ provided that you don’t enter the main hall and don’t interfere in any way in the running of the meeting.”

You can use the suspension modification email template to do this.

You should also inform the suspended volunteer’s line manager(s) of any modifications to the suspension.

If the reason for suspension is related to a safeguarding concern, the headquarters Safeguarding Team are there to support you throughout this process. You can contact them on +44(0)20 8433 7164 or

Making modifications to a suspension is a tool to allow the suspended volunteer to access a particular event or situation in Scouts during the suspension. This tool can only be used to allow a parent/carer to attend specific, important events such as the presentation of an award or to drop-off and pick up the young person. The modifications are not intended to allow the suspended volunteer unrestricted access to Scouts.

You’ll find more information on suspensions modification in POR Rule 16.7.

Modifications must not compromise the safety and well-being of youth members. In some circumstances, the presence of the suspended volunteer at a Scout activity might intimidate a youth member – this will depend on the circumstances of the suspension. In all cases, you must consider the safety and well-being of youth members as the highest priority.

All modifications to a suspension must be agreed by both the Suspending Authority and Approver; and be communicated in writing to the suspended volunteer.

You must explain to the suspended volunteer the exact conditions of the modification, with clear instructions of what is being permitted. For example:

  • “You’re authorised to attend the County Chief Scout’s Award presentations on Saturday 4 October in the capacity of a parent only. Remember that all other restrictions of the suspension remain in place, and you must not wear uniform.”

  • “You’re authorised to take the minimum time necessary to drop off and pick up your child from Scouts meetings on Wednesday nights at the Scout HQ provided that you don’t enter the main hall and don’t interfere in any way in the running of the meeting.”

You can use the suspension modification email template to do this.

You should also inform the suspended volunteer’s Team Leader(s) or Lead Volunteer(s) of any modifications to the suspension.

If the reason for suspension is related to a safeguarding concern, the headquarters Safeguarding Team are there to support you throughout this process. You can contact them on +44(0)20 8433 7164 or


Review the suspension

It’s recommended to review the suspension every 60 days.  

If the reason for suspension is no valid disclosure or overdue learning, it’s recommended to end the volunteer’s role after 60 days, if the volunteer hasn't presented a valid disclosure or hasn’t completed their learning.

It’s recommended to review the suspension every 60 days.