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By definition in the GDPR we are all known as data subjects. Data subjects have the right to object to how their personal data is processed.
They also have the right to request access, correct, sometimes delete and restrict the personal data being processed. In addition, they have a right to complain to you and to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Details of how to complain to the ICO can be found on their website.
Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR and DPA 2018, a data subject has the following rights with respect to their personal data:
With these extensive rights available to data subjects it is important that you have a process for responding to a request from the data subject on any of the above. By far the most common of these is a subject access request (SAR).
The response to the data subject needs to be within one month from receiving the request. This can be extended by up to two months, if the request is complex and cannot be completed in time, but notice must be given to the data subject on the extension and the reason why. Further information on this can be found on the ICO website.
The following process can be used as guidance to manage such requests:
Discovery will entail either:
It is suggested that the Trustee Board maintains a data inventory that identifies where all data within the Scout Unit is stored to make it easier and quicker when undertaking searches.
The Trustee Board is responsible for reviewing all provided documents to identify whether any third parties are identified in it and for either omitting or redacting identifying third party information from the documentation or obtaining written consent from the third party for their identity to be revealed. Consideration must also be given to ensure that nobody is put at risk by disclosing information.
Third party data that is commonly reviewed includes email exchanges and incident reports that involves multiple individuals. Discover further guidance from the ICO.
Any data subject can request access to their personal data, including children. In the case of children’s requests, it is important to assess the competency of that child to make this request. Check out further guidance on this.
If the requested data falls under one of the following exemptions, it does not have to be provided:
The information should be provided to the data subject in electronic format unless otherwise requested and all the items provided are listed on a schedule that shows the data subject’s name and the date on which the information is delivered.
In all cases care should be taken to redact all personal data or confidential information that the data subject should not see.
To assist in maintaining a log of the Subject Rights Requests (SRR) received and manage their progress, an SRR Register is available.
In addition to the register, the SAR Form can be used to formalise the SAR with the data subject. The template form can be amended for use with the other types of rights requests.
Useful resources for Step 4