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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Additional support material for Validation, Validation session

Learner packs

Below you will find some suggestions for information and resources that you can use for your learner packs for the validations task in the TA toolkit. When putting your learner packs together, you will need to think about the modules that you want your learner to validate, and vary the learner pack contents accordingly.

The examples below are suggestions, but you may have other local examples of evidence that you wish to use in your packs instead.

Background information has been included on each learner and it is a good idea to print this off and include it in the pack. TAs should be encouraged to look at this and to think about the extra information they know about their learner when completing the task.

Learner 1

Melanie Owen, Beaver Scout Leader

Melanie has been involved with the 1st Dilton Beavers for the last 9 months as an Assistant Beaver Scout Leader. She has got thoroughly involved in running the Section and has taken on some of the programme planning, as well as running games and activities. She works as a Community Engagement Officer for a Housing Association. She has a 15 year old daughter who is in Explorers and a 6 year old son who is in Beavers. When she has free time, she enjoys going to the cinema, swimming and spending time with friends and family. Modules learner is planning to validate: 5 (Fundamentals of Scouting), 7 (Scouting for all), 12 (A) (Delivering a Quality Programme), 14 (Young People Today), 15 (Challenging behaviour).

Evidence you could put in learner pack:

  • a print out of chapter 1 from POR (M5)
  • a print out of the religious policy and equal opportunities policy from chapter 2 from POR (M5, M7)
  • a copy of a recent Section programme (M5, M7, M12, M14)
  • photos from a recent visit to a place of worship (M7)
  • Beaver programme ideas printed from Programmes Online (M12 (A))
  • a print out of section age ranges
  • cut-outs from children’s/teen magazines (M14)
  • a section code of conduct (M15)
  • print out of readings Matilda and the Lion and Albert (M15) (other similar readings/stories can be

Learner 2

Nathan Saleh, Group Scout Leader

Nathan has been the Group Scout Leader of the 32nd Dilton for 7 months. He was previously a Scout Leader in the same Group, but took a two-year break from Scouting due to regularly having to travel abroad for his work. He has now changed jobs and therefore has more time to devote to Scouting and is enjoying his new role.

He works as a sales rep for a camera company. In his spare time he enjoys photography and is Chair of the Dilton Camera Club. He is also enjoys cross country running and sailing. Modules learner is planning to validate: 5 (Fundamental Values of Scouting), 11 (Administration), 21 (Growing the Movement), 23 (Safety for Managers and Supporters), 24 (Managing Adults).