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Session 10 - Ongoing Support

Session 10 - Ongoing Support

Session objectives

  • To find out what forms of ongoing support your TAs would like.
  • To act as a networking and idea sharing platform for TAs.

Great for

  • Rounding off your TA support event.
  • Planning for the future.
  • Getting feedback from TAs on how the event has gone and would they would like to see happen in the future


  • Marker pens.
  • Flipchart paper.


30 minutes


Recap what has been covered so far at your event or series of events if you have run several. If you already have plans for future events, highlight these to your TAs.

Advise that you would like to find out how the TAs attending want to be supported going forward and if there is any further support and guidance that they feel is needed for TAs, either on a local or national level.

Ask small groups to discuss this and come up with some suggestions as to how they would like to be supported in the future. Ask them to record their suggestions and feed them back to the rest of the group. When taking feedback, it may be useful to have members of the training team, or any other relevant colleagues, on hand as there may be action points for them to take away or local issues that they need to comment on. It is a good idea to type up feedback afterwards and to send it round to the course participants, with agreed actions, so that they can see that their suggestions are being taken forward and acted upon.


The role of the TA is crucial to the success of the Adult Training Scheme and TAs require your care, attention, support and guidance to achieve the best they can in their role, and to help adult learners do the same. The sessions in this guide have been designed to help you achieve this and to promote networking, share good practice, overcome challenges and keep your #SkillsForLife 22 TAs up to date. As highlighted previously, these sessions are not a definitive script for your course and can be adapted to suit your own local needs. Hopefully you now have some ideas about sessions that could work for you and your TAs.

Ongoing support and updates for TAs may be something that has not been covered in your District or County previously, or you may just be looking for some new ideas for your next TA event. Whatever the case, this should be an ongoing piece of work and it is a good idea to set up a regular programme of events for your TAs. Benefits of this could include the work of TAs being more effective, the number of TAs increasing and more adult volunteers completing their Wood Badges within the allocated time frame.

If you were waiting for the perfect time to start putting together an event for your TAs, this could be it. Use this guide as you wish, take ideas from it and continue to grow and develop the support available to your TAs, both now and in the future.

Please do let us know how you get on with using the toolkit. In addition, if you have any extra sessions that you have run locally that you think could be added to the next version of the toolkit, please do let us know by emailing