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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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How does the Training Scheme Operate?

How does the Training Scheme Operate?

A Summary of the Scheme:

Training is built around a number of objectives, which have been generated by taking into account the views of Counties/Areas and Scottish Regions, the requirements of the World Scout Bureau and the needs of The Scouts.

The Scouts’ Adult Training Scheme is based on a number of key principles:

  • Adults will only complete the learning components which are appropriate to their role.
  • Adult training should be accessible to all, regardless of geography, education, personal circumstances or additional needs.
  • There are at least two methods of meeting the key objectives for most modules so that adults can choose the most appropriate method for them.
  • The scheme recognises the prior learning, experience and existing knowledge of adults. It is not necessary for adults to attend training if they can clearly show that they are able to meet module objectives by demonstrating their skills in their Scouting role; this is done through validation.
  • Training provides opportunities for adults to interact with other adults. This can often be an effective way of learning and building contacts.
  • Training uses familiar Scout methods, for example learning by doing and small group work, but these are complemented by other methods such as workbooks, videos and e-learning.
  • The scheme is UK-wide so that the training which has been completed in one County will be recognised in another.
  • There is the opportunity for adults to have the training they do in Scouting externally recognised.

As a Training Adviser it is your responsibility to translate these key principles into practice. This means ensuring that the learners you are working with:

  • Have their prior learning properly recognised
  • Have access to training which takes into consideration their personal circumstances and preferred learning methods
  • Are well supported and properly advised on their training and personal development

Learning and Validation

There are two elements to the Adult Training Scheme:

  • Learning - This is when the adult has the opportunity to gain or improve the knowledge and skills which they need to perform their role. As the scheme recognises prior learning, knowledge and experience individuals may not need to complete learning for every aspect of the scheme.
  • Validation - This is when a Training Adviser will check what the adult has learned, and that they can apply the skills that they have acquired to their role. Validation is essential for every module.

The Appointment Process

Once a volunteer has been recruited, they will go through an appointment process to ensure that they are suitable for the role. At this point the volunteer will be added to Compass, the relevant checks will be made and the adult will be issued with a provisional appointment. When the volunteer is added to Compass they will have five months to complete their Getting Started training.

Getting Started

Getting Started is made up of six modules which must be completed before the adult can be fully appointed. There is a seventh module for trustees.

Getting Started training needs to be completed within five months of the role start date, as recorded on Compass. These modules are:

  • Personal Learning Plan (02)
  • Essential Information (01)
  • Safety
  • Safeguarding
  • Tools for the Role: Section Leaders (03) or Tools for the Role: Managers and Supporters (04)
  • General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
  • Trustee Introduction 

These modules may be completed in any order. In order to ensure that adults can complete Getting Started within the required timescale (five months) the modules are available as online learning.

Once a learner has completed Getting Started they may wear the Gilwell woggle. Non-uniformed adults may wear the Getting Started pin. Both are available to purchase from Scout Stores.

If an adult’s provisional appointment expires and they have not completed Getting Started, then the adult’s line manager will be informed (through a locally defined route). The line manager will then review the situation with the learner to find out why they have not completed this stage. Mutually agreed restrictions must be put in place by Commissioners to support learners to complete their training. Find out more about mutually agreed restrictions.

This module consists of creating a plan to meet the training requirements of the role, taking into account existing knowledge and skills. This must be completed within five months of gaining the provisional appointment and reviewed every six months up until completion of the Wood Badge.

Working with the volunteer to agree a Personal Learning Plan is key to being an effective Training Adviser. A well thought out Personal Learning Plan will enable the learner to receive the most effective and efficient learning for them. It will also mean they get the most out of the scheme so they will be more comfortable and effective in their role.

Although the parts of Getting Started can be completed in any order, it may be helpful for the learner to complete the Personal Learning Plan as the first step, particularly when changing roles. This means that they will have a clear idea of the process from the outset, and you will be able to advise them on the best plan for them at an early stage.

This module provides the basic information that all adults in Scouting need to know. It covers the movement’s history, the Fundamentals of Scouting, key policies, the structure of The Scouts and support available to adults in Scouting.

It's important that the learner receives this training as early as possible. The module has been redesigned as online independent learning which includes built-in assessment and the generation of a certificate that can be used for validation.

This module provides the information that all adults in Scouting need to know to keep young people and adults safe. It covers the Safety Policy, how to assess and manage risk, role of leader in charge, emergency, incident and near miss procedures and how to access safety resources and guidance for the safe management of activities.

It's important that the learner receives this training as early as possible. The module has been redesigned as online independent learning which includes built-in assessment and the generation of a certificate that can be used for validation to ensure that learners can access the module as easily as possible.

This training needs to be renewed every three years.

This module provides the information that all adults in Scouting need to know to keep young people and adults safe. It covers the Safeguarding Policy, the Young People First Safeguarding Card Code of Conduct Yellow Card, how to recognise abuse, concerns and how to make Scouts safe.

It's important that the learner receives this training as early as possible. The module has been redesigned as online independent learning which includes built-in assessment and the generation of a certificate that can be used for validation.

This training needs to be renewed every three years.

This module provides Trustees with information on their legal responsibilities and current regulations. It covers the trusteeship in Scouts, key policies and the roles and responsibilities of being a trustee in Scouts.

This module is only required of Trustees. This includes those who are ex-officio trustees – Group Scout Leaders, District and County Commissioners for example.

It's also required by Section Leaders who opt into a Trustee role.

It's important that the learner receives this training as early as possible. The module has been designed as online independent learning which includes built-in assessment and the generation of a certificate that can be used for validation.

This contains some basic information about the role and practical help for working within a section. The module covers the key features of the section and how to run suitable games and activities and how to promote positive behaviour.

This covers the basic information that individual’s need to know in relation to the General Data Protection Regulations, what this means for their role and for Scouting and how to effectively align with it. Topics covered:

  • Personal Data
  • Individuals' rights
  • Consent
  • Accountability & Governance

The Wood Badge

The Wood Badge is the internationally recognised Scouting training insignia awarded to adults by Headquarters on completion of the training required for their role. The Wood Badge consists of two wooden beads threaded onto a leather thong which is worn with Scout uniform.

The Wood Badge is the internationally recognised Scouting training insignia awarded to adults by Headquarters on completion of the relevant training. The Wood Badge consists of two wooden beads threaded onto a leather thong, which is worn with Scout uniform.

Once the learner has validated all the modules necessary for their role and agreed their plan for the ongoing learning that they will complete in the next year you can recommend to your Training Manager that they are awarded their Wood Badge. Learners are required to complete the Wood Badge within three years from the role start date as recorded on Compass.

In most cases the County Training Manager is responsible for recommending the award of the Wood Badge to Headquarters. Headquarters is responsible for awarding Wood Badges and will forward the Wood Badge and certificate to the appropriate Commissioner for presentation.

Ongoing learning

All adults holding appointments for which a Wood Badge is required must participate in an average of at least five hours ongoing learning each year. This is to ensure they continue to acquire new skills and keep up to date with new trends and policies. Ongoing learning must be at least five hours per year, calculated over the length of the appointment. Therefore, if an adult went on a week-long residential course, for example, this could be counted as the ongoing learning for the whole period of the appointment.

As a Training Adviser you will need to agree with your learner what ongoing learning, they will do in the first year after achieving the Wood Badge before it can be awarded. It then becomes their line manager’s responsibility to monitor and agree their ongoing learning.

Ongoing learning can be any number of things. In essence any training, learning or development that is complete and can be used in your Scouting role is appropriate to count as ongoing learning. For example:

  • the maintenance of a current adult first aid qualification/first response certificate
  • a Beaver Scout Leader spending time with another leader learning how to use Programmes Online, then using it to plan their programme
  • any of the supplementary modules, for example For Facilitating (28) or Presenting (29)

Mandatory ongoing learning

Although the ongoing learning hours a learner is required to complete each year can be any number of things, there are also some specific ongoing learning requirements which some members must  complete. Any member who holds an appointment for which an appointment review is required must complete the mandatory ongoing learning.

Members are required to complete the approved Scouting specific safeguarding training at least every three years. This module provides the information that all adults in Scouting need to know to keep young people and adults safe. It covers the Safeguarding Policy, the Young People First Safeguarding Card Code of Practice Yellow Card, how to recognise abuse, concerns and how to make Scouts safe.

Members are required to complete Scouting specific safety training at least every three years. This module provides the information that all adults in Scouting need to know to keep young people and adults safe. It covers the Safety Policy, how to assess and manage risk, role of leader in charge, emergency, incident and near miss procedures and how to access safety resources and guidance for the safe management of activities.

All adults in Scouting holding a Leader, Manager or Supporter appointment are also required to hold a current First Aid certificate. The First Aid certificate must be valid at the issue of the Wood Badge and for appointment renewal. This should be monitored by their line manager at the point of appointment review, at least every three years