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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Advertising the course

What are you advertising?

Make sure you know exactly what is on offer and communicate just that. This information is crucial for making sure participants come with the right expectations.

  • Date
  • Times
  • Where
  • Cost
  • Who’s it for
  • Title of course
  • Is there any prior learning expected?
  • Outline content of course
  • How do they apply/find out more?

    Get this clear from the outset and you will attract the right people to the course.

Who are you advertising to?

Decide who your audience is. Is it a course anyone can come on or is it aimed at specific people? Knowing who you are advertising to will help you use the right language and choose the appropriate method when communicating the message.

How are you going to advertise?

Once you have identified the message you wish to communicate and the audience to whom it goes, you need to decide the most appropriate method to get the message out.

  • Website
  • Email
  • Letter
  • Notice board
  • Through individuals e.g. Training Advisers, Managers
  • Phone
  • Newsletter
  • Leaflet

It is recommended that you choose a variety of methods to make sure your audience has as much opportunity to receive the message as possible. Every individual will have his or her preferred method of communication so it is important to take this into account when deciding which methods to use.

What next?

It's really important that once you have advertised the course everything else that should follow is in place. For example, are the Application forms and pre-course participant questionnaire ready? Make the forms available (downloadable/sent from the office) perhaps include the application form with the advert.
Be clear of the steps involved in the process and make sure the participants know what information they should expect from you and when.

1. Advertise
2. Participant Application Form
3. Acceptance of application and follow-up communication – further detailed information, pre-course participant questionnaire/emergency contact form
4. Post course feedback