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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Before the course begins

Before the course begins

Who is this training for?

This module is for Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders, Managers and Supporters.

It should help you get a better understanding of how to facilitate and make reasonable adjustments in Scouts, in a way that’s constructive and effective.

Before beginning this module, you should first complete module 7.

Planning your training

This module and material can be explored in different ways. Each session includes a set of objectives and suggested training methods.

These sessions outline the content and then expand on key points in more detail to help trainers (in addition to the trainer’s notes). But remember, this info isn’t a script for the sessions. Trainers need to do some reading and research beforehand so they have a good understanding of the subject to deliver the sessions confidently.

At the start of each session, it’s important for everyone to understand that this is a space for respectful discussion and that it’s perfectly acceptable and safe to ask questions about any terms or concepts they may not understand.

To familiarise yourself with the content of this module and help you deliver the training, take a look at our PowerPoint presentation.

Find out more about Scouting for all. 

Session details

These notes include about three hours worth of training. Here are more detailed timings to help you plan your sessions:

  • Introduction (60 minutes)
  • What is a reasonable adjustment? (60 minutes)
  • Making adjustments (60 minutes)
  • Close


Using the social model of disability as a foundation, support volunteers to identify when an adjustment is needed and understand the tools available to help them make an adjustment to Scouts.


1. Understand UK legal framework and what’s meant by the term disability.

2. Understand and work towards the social model of disability

3. Identify and make changes to Scouts in context for individuals

4. Facilitate and make reasonable adjustments to Scouts in a way that’s constructive and effective

5. View adjustments as conversations which are positive and enabling

6. Identify and make positive adjustments for autistic young people and adults

7. Understand where to access further help and support


A series of sessions or stand-alone tasks

This module can be delivered as a series of training sessions, or as stand-alone tasks (for example, as the activities you’ll find in these trainer’s notes).

One-to-one training

This module can be delivered on a one-to-one basis by a trainer or someone with sufficient experience to take an adult through the subject areas. In this case the timings and methods can be reviewed and revised to suit the learner.

Notes for the Trainers

At the start of this session it’s important for everyone to understand that this is a space for respectful discussion and that it’s perfectly acceptable and safe to ask questions about any terms or concepts participants may not understand.

It’s recommended trainers familiarise themselves with the content and concepts on the Scouting for all pages before delivering this course.


  • Flipchart and flipchart paper
  • Blue Tac or similar
  • Marker pens
  • Projector and screen

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