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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Who is Assessing Learning for?

This module is for the following people:

Training Advisers who are supporting adults through The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme by working closely with them.

Nights Away Advisers who are responsible for assessing the competence of adults to take responsibility for residential activities involving young people.

Activity Advisers who are responsible for assessing the competence of adults to take responsibility for specified adventurous activities involving young people.

Creative Activity Advisers and Assessors who are responsible for assessing staged and musical performances for public performance.

It aims to provide them with knowledge about the schemes in which they will be assessing learners, and the skills they need to assess learning needs, support learners in meeting these, assess skills and knowledge and provide effective feedback to learners.

People holding these roles may not necessarily be members of The Scout Association, so it also provides some information on the Aim and Method of The Scout Association and covers how these apply to these roles.

What does this module contain?

This module contains approximately 4 hours and 15 minutes of learning, which can be managed and delivered in a number of ways.

The first session is specific to the role of the participants (1 hour).

The remaining five sections are for all those undertaking this module.

How is this module validated?

The validation of this module will depend on the role of the participant:

Training Advisers will be required to demonstrate an understanding of The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme and support one learner through the Personal Learning Plan process over a period of five months or for the completion of Getting Started, if appropriate. This must include the validation of at least one module. They must discuss with their Training Adviser how they have supported the learner through the validation of this module by answering a series of questions (outlined in the Training Adviser’s Guide).

Nights Away Advisers will be required to demonstrate an understanding of the Nights Away Permit Scheme, particularly the assessment process, and have made one recommendation for the award of the Nights Away Permit. They must discuss with their Training Adviser how they have supported the applicant through the process by answering a series of questions (outlined in the Training Adviser’s Guide). Ideally they will have been supported / mentored through their first Nights Away Assessment by a practising Nights Away Adviser.

Activity Assessors will be required to understand the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme and make one assessment according to current Scout Association factsheet recommendations. They must discuss with their Training Adviser how they have supported the applicant through the process by answering a series of questions (outlined in the Training Adviser’s Guide). Ideally they will have been supported/mentored through their first Activity Permit Assessment by a practising Activity Assessor.

Creative Activity Advisers and Assessors will be required to assess one staged or musical performance according to the requirements of being public performance ready. They must discuss with their Training Adviser how they have supported the applicants through the process by answering a series of questions (outlined in the Training Adviser’s Guide). Ideally they will have been supported / mentored through their first performance Assessment by a practising Creative Activity Adviser or Assessor.

What information is provided?

This module contains objectives that relate to the assessment of an individual within either the Adult Training Scheme, Nights Away, Activity Permit Scheme or Scout Show National Recognition. The objectives are as follows:

By the end of the module participants should be able to:

1. Describe the Adult Training scheme / Nights Away Permit Scheme / Adventurous Activity Scheme / Scout Show National Recognition and how they operate.

2. Explain their own and others’ roles within the scheme.

3. Identify the learning or development needs of the people they support and/or assess.

4. Undertake appropriate assessments and validations.

5. Provide constructive feedback on positive areas and areas to develop.

6. Explain how they can demonstrate the values and methods of The Scout Association in their role.

7. Plan to meet their own subject knowledge needs.

This module and its material can be managed in a variety of ways. The objectives for this module are provided, followed by the key messages and training methods. The content is given in outline with the key points expanded in more detail. Trainer’s notes are also given to provide guidance on methods and other key points.

This information is not a script for the session. It is essential that the trainer has a thorough knowledge of the module and therefore some research of the subject matter may be required before the delivery of the training. It is important to adapt the module to the needs of the participants. These needs will differ according to a wide variety of factors including their experience, their role and previous roles they may have held.


Although in some parts of the British Isles Scout Counties are known as Areas or Islands – and in one case Bailiwick – for ease of reading this publication simply refers to County/Counties. In Scotland there is no direct equivalent to County or Area, and Scouting is organised into Districts and Regions, each with distinct responsibilities. Some County functions are the responsibility of Scottish Regions, while others lie with Scottish Districts. The focus of responsibility is outlined in Scottish Variations from POR. The equivalent role to County Training Manager in Scotland is the Assistant Regional Commissioner (Adult Training). For ease of reading this document refers to County Training Manager, except where there is a practical difference between the two roles, in which case this is indicated.

The term ‘Training Manager’ is used to refer to those in The Scout Association who are responsible for managing training provision, including: County Training Manager, Local Training Manager, Assistant Regional Commissioner (Adult Training) Scotland and Assistant District Commissioner (Adult Training) Scotland. Again, for ease of reading, all adults taking part in the Training Scheme are referred to as learners.

Session details

The length of these sessions may vary depending on the number and experience of the participants, trainers and facilitators and they may need to be preceded by introduction and/or integration sessions.

Session 1 – Split to three groups, depending on the role the participants are undertaking:

1a - How the Adult Training Scheme works (60 mins)

1b - How the Nights Away Permit Scheme works (60 mins)

1c - How the Activity Authorisation Scheme works (60 mins)

It's likely that due to the low numbers of participants likely to be seeking training for the role of Creative Activity Adviser/Assessor any participants for this role should undertake the relevant parts of the Module 25 Workbook, perhaps working through it 1:1 with a current Scout Show Assessor, rather than having a separate training group for this session.

Where learners come from and assessing learners’ needs.

Learning methods

Assessment and validation methods.

What is your role?

Module summary and validation – moving forwards

Planning considerations

Module 25 is for people wishing to become Training Advisers, Nights Away Advisers, Activity Advisers or Scout Show Assessors. Those undertaking this module or these roles may not necessarily be a member of The Scout Association or have completed any Scout Association training prior to this, so consideration may need to be given to this.

The first session will require to be split into the different roles this training module is for, and some of the other activities may also require discussion of aspects of these roles. Consideration of the spread of roles within the training group will take this into account in planning the sessions, ensuring that the individual training needs of the participants are met. It may be appropriate to have the first session delivered by somebody with experience of the role, for example a County Nights Away Adviser, or ACC Activities. Where only one participant is working towards a role, it may be appropriate for them to work on the relevant areas of the Workbook for this session.


To provide skills and knowledge required to support, validate and assess adults in The Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme, Nights Away Permit Scheme and Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme.


There are seven objectives for this Module. By the end of the module participants should be able to:

1. Describe the Adult Training scheme / Nights Away Permit Scheme / Adventurous Activity Scheme / Scout Show National Recognition and how they operate.

2. Explain their own and others’ roles within the scheme.

3. Identify the learning or development needs of the people they support and/or assess.

4. Undertake appropriate assessments and validations.

5. Provide constructive feedback on positive areas and areas to develop.

6. Explain how they can demonstrate the values and methods of The Scout Association in their role.

7. Plan to meet their own subject knowledge needs.


A series of sessions

This module may be delivered as a series of training sessions in a variety of time settings. It could be run during an evening, as part of a day’s provision or as a series of individual sessions.

Small group

A facilitator or trainer with sufficient experience to lead a group through the subject areas may deliver this module on a small group basis as a series of small group discussions and individual work. We recommend that where very small numbers of participants are involved for a certain role that participants are supported to use the relevant workbook for this Module.


  • Data projector
  • Screen
  • POR
  • Copies of module matrix
  • Copy of Training Adviser’s Guide and Training Adviser’s Guide for Managers and Supporters.
  • Copy of Adult’s Personal File
  • Access to Compass or screen shots from Compass showing Training Record / PLP.
  • Post-its
  • Poster/flip chart paper
  • Pens
  • Copies of Appendices

Associated reading

Nights Away

  • POR – Nights Away Permit Scheme
  • Nights Away Permit Scheme – Applicant’s guide
  • Nights Away Permit Scheme – Assessment guide
  • Nights Away Advisers’ guide
  • Assessment Checklist for a Nights Away Permit
  • Nights Away resource

Adventurous Activities

  • Adventurous Activity A-Z list.
  • Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme
  • Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme – Applicant’s Guide
  • Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme – Assessment Guide
  • Outline of Young Leader Scheme

25: Assessing Learning

Download the Training Notes