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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Safety workbook

Introduction to the workbook and assessment

We're improving how we volunteer, including new team structures and role titles. Locally volunteers are starting to informally use the new language. For example, you may hear District Lead Volunteer rather than District Commissioner. If the role titles in this material do not match what you’re using locally, your line manager or Training Adviser can help.

Edition 2 April 2024

Note: In some parts of the UK, Scout Counties are known as Areas or Islands – and in one case it is known as a Bailiwick. But for ease of reading, this publication simply refers to Counties.

In Scotland, there is no direct equivalent to a County or Area. Instead, Scouting is organised into Districts and Regions, each with distinct responsibilities. Some County functions are the responsibility of Scottish Regions, while others lie with Scottish Districts. The focus of responsibility is outlined in Scottish variations of Policy, Organisation & Rules.

Who is this workbook for?

Safety training is required for roles, as defined in POR Chapter 16: Roles Table and must be renewed every three years. It's part of the Getting Started modules.

This workbook may be used to support individuals where, for accessibility reasons, they cannot complete this training independently using the eLearning or complete the eLearning with someone, such as a line manager, Training Adviser, Local/County/Area/Region (Scotland) Training Manager.


By doing the learning you will: 

  • Understand the Safety Policy and your responsibilities for keeping young people and adults in our movement safe
  • Be able to demonstrate how to assess and manage risk
  • Understand the role of the leader in charge
  •  Know what to do in an emergency, and how to report incidents and near misses
  • Know where to access safety resources, activity rules and guidance for the safe management of activities


When you have completed the learning by reading all sections of this workbook you will need to complete an assessment of your learning. The assessment is at the end of this workbook. 

To pass and validate this module you’ll need to score 100% on the assessment. But don’t worry, you can re-take it as many times as you need. When you have finished the assessment you will need to have your answers checked.

Discuss your completed assessment with the person supporting you with this training. They will be able to confirm that you passed the assessment and record completion of this training on the Scouts Membership System (Compass) for you.

This training is required to be renewed every three years.

Download the PDF

The Safety workbook is available download and print.

Download the Safety workbook