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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Module Pages

Module Pages

Adult Personal File for Managers and Supporters

Download the file

The module pages below set out for each module:

  • The aim and topics for each module
  • Some questions to help you check your knowledge which can be reviewed with your Training Adviser
  • The learning methods for each module
  • The validation criteria for each module and suggestions for potential evidence for validation.

Check Your Knowledge

These are questions are designed to help you establish what you already know, and the learning you still have to complete for this module. You should work with your Training Adviser to identify any learning you have left to complete and how you can complete this. These questions will explore your knowledge on the topics covered; you will need to demonstrate practical experience to meet the requirements of the validation criteria below.

Validation Criteria

The validation criteria for each module are shown in the following pages. For some modules all the criteria must be completed by all roles or there is a choice of criteria to pick from. However, in some cases, there are certain validation criteria for all roles and some additional criteria that are only relevant to certain roles. It's been indicated for each validation criteria which roles will find the criteria relevant for them. For some roles, it will depend on the learner’s agreed role description whether certain criteria are relevant to them. 

Change of Role

Where “Requires Revalidation” is marked as a tick, these criteria must be revalidated if the learner changes role even if these criteria have been completed previously for a different role. The role specific criteria will need to be validated if it is relevant to the new role. If “Requires Revalidation” is marked with a cross, these criteria do not need to be revalidated for a new Manager or Supporter role if it's already been completed.

Personal Learning Plan (02)

Essential Information (01)

To provide all adults in Scouting with the essential information needed to get started in their role.

By doing this training you will:

  • Understand the basics of Scouts’ volunteer training scheme.
  • Learn about our movement’s history.
  • Explore the fundamentals of Scouts and how to bring them to life.
  • Understand the importance of the Safety and Safeguarding policies in keeping people safe while in the Scouts.
  • Learn about our structure, and find out where you fit within Scouts and the support that’s
  • Understand the Equal Opportunities policy, and how to make sure every member feels included and able to fully participate in Scouts.

Revalidation of this module is not required for any change in role.


To validate the Module, you will need to:

  • Complete the assessment at the end of the eLearning module, this will generate a certificate, the certificate is the validation needed for this training module.


To provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safety practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.

By doing the e-learning you will:

  • Understand the Safety Policy and your responsibilities for keeping young people and adults in our movement safe.
  • Be able to demonstrate how to assess and manage risk.
  • Understand the role of the leader in charge.
  • Know what to do in an emergency, and how to report incidents and near misses.
  • Know where to access safety resources, activity rules and guidance for the safe management of activities.

Revalidation of this module is not required for any change in role. It is though required to be renewed every three years.


To validate the Module, you will need to:

  • Complete the assessment at the end of the eLearning module, this will generate a certificate, the certificate is the validation needed for this training module.


To provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safeguarding practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.

By doing this workbook you will:

  • Understand the Safeguarding Policy and your responsibilities for keeping our young people, and adults at risk, safe.
  • Understand the Young People First Safeguarding Card Code of Practice (Yellow Card).
  • Know how to recognise abuse.
  • Know how to report concerns.
  • Know what to do to make Scouts safe.

Revalidation of this module is not required for any change in role. It is though required to be renewed every three years.


To validate the Module, you will need to:

  • Complete the assessment at the end of the eLearning module, this will generate a certificate, the certificate is the validation needed for this training module

Trustee Introduction

To provide the Charity or managing Trustees with information on their legal responsibilities and current regulations.

By doing this training you will:

  • Understand the Trustee Boards in Scouts.
  • Understand Scouts’ key policies.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of trustees in Scouts.

Revalidation of this module is not required for any change in role.


To validate the Module, you will need to:

  • Complete the assessment at the end of the eLearning module, this will generate a certificate, the certificate is the validation needed for this training module.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

To provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of what the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) means for them, their Scout Group, District and County and how to effectively align with it.

  • Personal Data
  • Individuals’ rights
  • Consent
  • Accountability & Governance

Revalidation of this module is not required for a change of role.

These questions follow the topics covered in the e-learning for this module. You should work with your Training Adviser (TA) to identify any learning you have left to complete and how you can complete this. These questions will explore your knowledge on the topics covered when you validate the module with your TA.

Click to see the table in full screen.


To validate the Module, you will need to:

  • Complete the check your knowledge section at the end of the eLearning module, this will generate certificate, the certificate is the validation needed for this training module.

Tools for the Role (Managers and Supporters) (04)

Delivering a Quality Programme (12A)

The Fundamentals of Scouting (05)

Scouting for All (07)

Administration (11)

First Aid (10)

Independent Learning

Skills Courses

Leadership and Management Training Validation Areas

Running Safe Activities (17)

International (19)

Facilitating (28)

Presenting (29)

Supporting Local Learning (30)

Planning a Learning Experience (31)

Planning a Learning Provision (33)

Managing a Learning Provision (34)

Mentoring and Coaching (39)

To provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to effectively mentor and coach both adults and young people in Scouting Roles

  • Learning Styles
  • Motivation
  • Emotional Intelligence and Resilience
  • Communication
  • The GROW Model
  • Giving Feedback

Revalidation of this module is not required for any change of role.

  • Course
  • One to one
  • Small group

A ‘formal evidence portfolio’ is not required to validate as a Mentor or Coach. However documentary evidence will be required to show that the validation criteria have been achieved.

Example of this evidence may include:

  • Discuss the training content and objectives of the Pre-Course Learning with a Training Adviser
  • Complete a Mentoring and Coaching ‘How are we going to work together?’ with an adult you are supporting
  • Meet with an adult you are supporting for a minimum of two sessions
  • Effectively apply the TSA Mentoring and Coaching Approach with an adult you are supporting
  • Effectively apply the Grow module with an adult you are supporting
  • Complete a personal reflection log for a period of 3 months
  • Any other ideas, subject to agreement with a Training Adviser

As coaching and mentoring sessions should be confidential, observation of these is not appropriate for validation purposes.

APPENDIX 1: Useful Resources

The Support Centre is your first point of contact for The Scouts. You can ask questions and receive advice. The Support Centre is open from 9am – 5pm weekdays and can be contacted by:

Live chat: Click the purple 'help' button bottom right of the page.
Phone: 0345 300 1818 (local rate) or 0208 433 7100

This document outlines The Scouts’ approach to adult training, the details of the training scheme and the local management of training provision. Also includes information on the minimum module requirements for the different roles in The Scouts. Take a look at the Adult Training Scheme.

The Supplementary Module Pages will be useful for members who choose to undertake any of the supplementary modules. These can be printed and inserted into the Adult’s Personal File or referred to online. 

There are a huge number of resources available online to support you in completing your training and in your role itself. For resources to help you with your training, a good place to start is the learners’ area which provides information on relevant resources and guidance for each module. Take a look at all of our support resources.

APPENDIX 2: Personal Learning Plan Template

Download the template.

APPENDIX 3: Manager and Supporter Validation Record

Download the template.

APPENDIX 4: Recommended Learning for Leadership and Management Training

The table below shows the learning opportunities from the Leadership and Management Training that are most relevant for each role. This can be used as a guide to help learners when they are beginning their training to develop their Personal Learning Plan.

It's important to remember that these recommendations should only be used as guidance. The learning an individual undertakes should be based on the needs of the learner depending on their agreed role description and taking into account any prior learning.