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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Meet the National Honours Subgroup

Find out what the National Honours Subgroup do and how you can get in touch

National honours and other external recognition awards are awarded on merit, for exceptional achievement or commitment to service to Britain and recipients will generally have made life better for other people or be outstanding at what they do.

The National Awards Advisory Group (NAAG), through the National Honours Subgroup (NHSG) aims to spread awareness and increase the number of nominations made and successful awards given out for adults, deserving young people and Groups who contribute to their communities through and in addition to their activity within the Scouts.

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Alan Seeley

NHSG Chair and NAAG Member

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Alan is currently the Chair of AAC of Merseyside Scouts. Alan’s previous roles include Vice Chair, CC, Deputy CC, ACC AT, DC, GSL as well as a Cub Scout Leader, all in Merseyside.

Married to Carolyn, with two (grown up) children and professionally an Employee Affairs Manager with Ford of Britain, Alan is also the current Chairman of Knowsley Chamber of Commerce.

Alan enjoys watching sport of all types, with football (a lifelong Everton supporter) and motor racing topping the bill.

'In addition to my role on the NAAG I have the great privilege to chair the NHSG. This role allows me to encourage and support nominations that might be considered for National Honours. The work is both very rewarding for myself and extremely important to Scouts in ensuring the great work of our young people and adults is recognised by the King were appropriate.'


Michael Rollinson DL

NAAG Chair and NHSG ex-officio member

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Michael joined Scouts as a Beaver. He holds roles both locally and nationally. Michael sat on the National Board of Trustee 2012-2015 and was a Trustee of GMW Scouts until 2018. He supports Cheshire Scouts as Deputy Chair of Trustees and was a Unit Leader for the 25th World Scout Jamboree.


In his day job, he is an Assistant Headteacher at one of the country's largest independent day schools with a remit of Service, Outreach and Partnership, as well as supporting educational visits, treks and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.


In 2022, Michael was Commissioned as a Deputy Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, support volunteering and charities in Greater Manchester, looking for worthy charities for the King's Award for volunteering (KAVs), as well as representing the Lord Lieutenant on behalf of HM the King.

'When we make people feel proud and valued they are empowered to help even more - that's why I love my role on the National Honours Subgroup. I get to read all the amazing things that leaders and young people are doing and help local volunteers say well done or thank you. Think about the time someone thanked you? How did that make you feel? It is emotive, and rightly so.'


Ana Ward

NHSG Member (under 25 rep)

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Ana joined the Scouts aged 11, having previously been in Girlguiding, and is currently a trustee for Cambridgeshire Scouts. She also belongs to the UK 18-25 Role Pool and Rep Pool, and in her spare time enjoys learning about Scout Heritage and collecting Scouting memorabilia. Ana is also keen on International Scouting, and has attended two World Scout Jamborees, as a participant and IST.

Ana is currently a medical student in East Anglia, with aims to become a GP once she graduates. Her hobbies include reading, baking, and crafts such as embroidery.

'I wanted to be part of the National Honours Subgroup because we have so many fantastic people in the Scouts, who work so hard for our young people, both directly and behind the scenes. To help some of our volunteers get recognised for this work, and to be able to encourage young people to have these awards to one day aim for, is hugely rewarding.


Catherine Lawrence

NHSG Member and NAAG Member

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Catherine joined Girlguiding aged 5, and progressed through the sections to become an adult volunteer, before joining Scouts in 2014. Catherine currently holds a role as Cub Scout Leader and also helps to support Duke of Edinburgh and King's Scout Award at District level.

Catherine gained her medical degree in 2017, and is now working as a GP in Derbyshire.

Catherine’s hobbies including gardening, well dressing (a traditional Derbyshire craft) and hiking but is also always planning her next adventure.

'Being part of the NHSG gives me an opportunity to learn more about National Awards, and the process of being selected for them.  It's also a great opportunity to be part of a team that helps ensure our fantastic volunteers are being recognised not just with our own Scout Awards, but nationally as well.'


Erin Jarvis

NHSG Member (under 25 rep)

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Erin has been involved in the Scouts at a local level in both Scotland and England since she was Explorer age, and volunteers nationally as a member of the 18-25 Role Pool.

Most recently Erin attended the 25th World Scout Jamboree as a member of the International Service Team and assisted in programme delivery in the scientific section, running activities for young people.

Outside of Scouting, Erin works as a Research Scientist and is very passionate about widening access to science education as well as scouting skills.

'I recently joined the National Honours Subgroup as I'm passionate about recognising the fantastic work our volunteers do at a national level and I'm really looking forward to getting involved.'



Graham is the former CC in Cheshire where he held the role for 12 years. He has been a member of Scouting from a child and held roles as Cub Leader, Scout Leader and GSL. He served as a member of the Operations Committee and continues to be involved in a number of national initiatives.

Professionally Graham has a number of business interests but devotes most of his time to third sector organisations, principally he is CEO of Cheshire Young Carers and North Wales Young Carers who support children who have caring responsibilities for parents and siblings.

As a Deputy to the Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire, Graham is involved in assessing submissions for National Awards in Cheshire and supporting the youth sector in the County.

'Supporting the work of NHSG is really important to me simply because over the years, I have seen the positive impact recognition can have on individual members and just as importantly their families. As the largest youth movement in the Country, it's important that we're properly represented when the list of recipients is published for national honours. It is a privilege to read the citations and support the nominations that are submitted.'


Graeme Popay

NHSG Member and NAAG Member

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Graeme joined as a Cub Scout and has never left, he still enjoys Scouting as much today as he did then and is a Squirrel & Explorer Scout Leader in rural Northumberland.

Graeme has a passion for International Scouting and has attended several World Scout Jamboree’s.

'It is a pleasure and an honour to be a member of the NHSG, I find that the time I give to the role fits in well with my busy lifestyle.'

'Being able to play a part in ensuring our members are recognised for their service to their Country is an immense privilege.'

‘Being a member of the NAAG and the NHSG has to be one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in the Scouts.’


Martin was the Hampshire Scouts County Commissioner from 2017 to 2022. He's been an adult member of Scouts since 2000 having held several uniformed and non-uniformed roles at section, Group, District and County levels. Along with membership of the National Honours Subgroup, he's also a member of the Policy, Organisation and Rules Subgroup, and is a Hampshire Scouts Vice President. As a youth member he was a Cub Scout in 1st Bordon Garrison, Hampshire, and a British Scout in Bielefeld, Germany.

Professionally, Martin is a serving Commander in the Royal Navy with over 35 years service. As a Warfare Officer, he has spent many years at sea, which included commanding warships, and has served in a range of staff jobs ashore. All of this has given him extensive command, leadership and management experience which has helped him throughout his volunteer service in the Scouts.

'I have consistently dedicated my efforts to ensuring that our volunteers within the Scouts receive the proper recognition and rewards they deserve for their service. My membership of the NHSG brings me the unique privilege of influencing the national honours system, allowing me to champion the nominations of deserving adult volunteers. When it is evident that a nominee has made a significant impact on the lives of young people, other adults and their local community, I take pride in endorsing their recognition at the national level.'