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Making a national honour nomination

Making a national honour nomination

Anyone may make a nomination provided it is not for themselves or a close relative.

Those making national honour nominations should be aware that it is often helpful to include support from the relevant County/Regional Lead Volunteer.

Generally, it would be unusual for a nomination to be made for members of the Scouts on behalf of UK headquarters if the proposed recipient does not hold the Bar to the Silver Acorn or Silver Wolf.

From time to time the National Honours Subgroup may encourage a local submission for a national honour following a review of those in receipt of recent Bar to the Silver Acorn or Silver Wolf awards or other Scouts awards that could be suitable for consideration.

The National Honours Subgroup are happy and willing to discuss supporting nominations for members of the Scouts/Groups for both national honours and other external awards.

There are three routes to making a national honour nomination

Complete an online nomination via the Government website; you can include any evidence you have to support the nomination, including articles, photos and letters. Begin an online nomination or download the nomination form, and return it to:

Honours and Appointments Secretariat
Cabinet Office
Room G39
1 Horse Guards Road

Contact the UK Headquarters Awards Team so they can connect you with the NHSG or contact a member of the NHSG directly so they can provide direct advice and support in structuring and submitting nominations.

Please contact the offices directly if you chose to follow this route, but please also inform the NHSG (for their awareness).

There are no deadlines for the receipt of nomination forms, but they can take between 12 and 18 months to process due to the background checks involved. Nominations must be made while the nominee is still actively involved in what you are nominating them for.