Make the ask and manage the reply
Make the ask and manage the reply
- Be specific about the tasks you need help with, rather than talking about a role
- Let them know they're joining a team, not doing it by themselves
- Point out they already have the skills they need to get involved
- Remind them volunteering can be flexible around them
- Offer the 4-week challenge as a “test drive” of Scouting
- Be upbeat about how fun it is!
- Tell them about why you love volunteering
- Let them know the skills they'll gain from the learning on offer
If "Yes":
Ask if they're happy with the tasks discussed and what is involved. Give them a chance to try out the 4-week challenge or shadow someone else. Arrange a catch-up to see how they've been getting on. Discuss getting their criminal records check and Growing Roots learning started.
Say thank you!
If "Maybe":
What opportunities can we provide to give them a go-to see if maybe becomes a yes? Discussing the different tasks they could potentially be involved with. Talk again about flexibility and the option to change what they're doing if they don't enjoy it.
Say thank you!
If "No":
Dig a little deeper to work out why. Maybe now is not the right time, but can details be saved for later in the year? Is there something different they would be willing to help with to keep them onboard?
Volunteering with the Scouts isn't for everyone and that's okay! Remember to thank them for any time they've already given or just for being open to a conversation.