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Whether you go on a visit to a cave or a mine, or try the adventurous activity of indoor caving, it's a chance to reflect on the important caves in Islam.

There’s the story of Cave Thawr, or there’s Cave Hira where it’s said that the Prophet received his first revelations of the Holy Quran.  

The Cave of Thawr was where Prophet Muhammad, the messenger of Allah, along with his companion, Abu Bakr, hid for 3 days from a tribe who controlled the city of Mecca, called the Quraish.

The Prophet and his followers were leaving Mecca to go to the city of Medina. They were on a migration journey called the Hijrah.

It’s outside this cave that an acacia tree sprung up, a dove built its nest and laid its eggs, and a spider wove its web over the entrance of the cave.

This gave the impression that no one had entered the cave for some time.

This was all under the instruction of Allah to protect his beloved Prophet and companion.

It's said that it was while Prophet Muhammad, the messenger of Allah, was mediating in a cave on Mount Hira that the Angel Jibril appeared to him. He received the first revelations of the Holy Qur'an. 

Muhammad could not read or write, but was able to recite the words.  

The mountain is also known as Jabal al-Noor, meaning the Mountain of Light.

A Beaver in a blue jumper looks through the branches towards the camera while standing in a bush.

Activities to try


Explore a world hidden beneath your feet as you twist and turn through caves.

Find out about caving

Mine exploration

Brave a different type of cave and explore an artificial underground environment.

Find out about mine exploration