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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Counties/ Areas/ Regions (Scotland)

Counties/ Areas/ Regions (Scotland)

Updated Wednesday 12 October 2022

As a County/ Area/ Region you can support your Districts with their financial planning, and also consider what you can proactively do to support them.

  • Do you have a budget in place for the current year/year ahead based on the activities and financial liabilities of the County/ Area/ Region?
  • Are there any areas where you can reduce costs to avoid any increases to your County/ Area/ Region membership fee?
  • Is it possible to reduce your County/ Area/ Region membership fee to support those Groups/Units who may be struggling to cover local costs?
  • Talk to your Districts to find out where there are concerns around managing the rising costs. Find out if there are any Groups/Units at risk due to financial issues, or young people who cannot afford Scouts and the District are unable to offer funds.
  • As a County/ Area/ Region, review if you have any funds or reserves that can be allocated to supporting your Districts/ Groups/ Units through this period.