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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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1457 results 1457 results found

Bindle bags


Grab an old pillowcase and a stick and make your own bindle bag to explore the outdoors.

My adventure scrapbook


Create your own scrapbook to share your adventures with family and friends.

Sea stacks


Venture across the water and build your own sea stack from floats.

Changing your coat


Understand your local coat of arms, then make your own shield. Find out where you might find local examples of heraldry.

Make some dancing ribbons


Explore the changes to the way you dance when you listen to different types of music.

Make a sugarcane mocktail


Learn about the holiday of Lohri and make a sweet drink to celebrate



Learn more about the permits required for windsurfing.

Standup Paddleboarding (SUP)


Choose your challenge


Use this word game to create a challenge that’s personal to you, then give it all you’ve got to reach your goal.

Chatterbox trees


Show your decision maker how you’ve taken action to promote better mental health for all.

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