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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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1458 results 1458 results found

Beavers My Skills Challenge Award


Your body and mind are the most precious instruments you'll ever own. Get the cogs whirring and move your feet! It's time to develop some new skills.

Horse riding


Mount your steed and learn how to “ride like the wind cowboy” in this horse riding adventure.

It’s all fun and games


Try out some not-so-fun new rules and chat about the problems with online games.



Nearly at the top! Dig deep when it gets steep and think about the view from the peak.

Find your favourite flora or fauna


Find out more about your favourite flora or fauna, then host a display for your friends.

Moving with the tides


Learn the basics of nautical navigation and design active games to put your knowledge to the test.

New research on youth employability by Demos


A new report shows that young people who take part in extracurricular activities, such as Scouts, are more prepared for the world of work

Picture this


Create a piece of photographic art that encourages everyone to look more closely at an issue that matters to them.

Groovy smoothies


Set your taste buds moving and grooving as we craft delicious healthy smoothies.

10 ways to deal with stress this summer


It’s supposed to be a chance to relax, but summer can often be a stressful time. Travel arrangements, changes to routine, family dynamics and, of course, impending exam results day all take their toll. To help you come out the other side of summer smiling, we’ve put together a list of 10 small things that might help you beat stress.

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