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Tasty turkey dinner in a 'tater
/activities/tasty-turkey-dinner-in-a-tater/Rustle up a delicious dinner with a twist, using a campfire and a potato.
5 last-minute gifts to suit each and every Scout
/news/2019/december/5-last-minute-gifts-to-suit-each-and-every-scout/Missed someone important off your list? Fear not, friend. We’ve rounded up some of our favourites from Scout Store.
How to have a UFO camp at home
/news/2020/june/how-to-have-a-ufo-camp-at-home/Struggling to keep the kids entertained over weekends or during the school holidays? You may not have thought about hosting a camp before, but a series of activities and snacks could be just what you need to get everyone spending time together and learning new skills – unusual sleeping arrangements optional.
Make a card for a friend
/activities/make-a-card-for-a-friend/Create a card to thank someone for being a great friend.
Skills for Life
/about-us/strategy/By 2025, we'll have prepared more young people with skills for life, supported by amazing volunteers delivering an inspiring programme.
Data Protection Policy
/about-us/policy/data-protection-policy/The Scout Association’s commitment to protecting privacy and data forms a key policy for Scouting.
Navigation stations
/activities/navigation-stations/Get your bearings as we explore some nifty new navigation methods.
Welcome to Squirrels
/events/welcome-to-squirrels/Join our introductory call, designed to give advice and guidance to leaders who have been approved to open a Squirrel Drey.
It’s a money old world
/activities/it-s-a-money-old-world/Learn about the history (and geography) of money, then choose a creative way to show how it’s changed over the years.
Commitment stones
/activities/commitment-stones/Experience your local environment and make a commitment to protect it.
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