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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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1457 results 1457 results found

How to be healthy


Hone your healthy habits by acting out some real-life scenarios and learn more about keeping your mind and body tip-top.

Charcoal creations


Use campfire charcoal to sketch the world around you.

Citrus switch


Everyone’s oranges are mixed up – work as a team to get them back to their true owners and learn everyone's name in the process.

How do you see the world?


Try to draw your partner’s thoughts and learn about how people with sensory differences see the world.

10 ways to volunteer outdoors in 2024


It’s a new year and we’re encouraging everyone to make more time for being outside by taking action in their local community.

Cook some campfire popcorn


Enjoy this tasty treat after watching it pop over a campfire.

The gaming game


Become an expert in staying safe when gaming with this exciting game.

Lost in translation


How accurate is your communication? Draw clearly, then pass it on and hope your message doesn’t get lost in translation.

Bike balance gymnastics


Fun games for practising low speed balancing on your bike.

Virtual letter towers


Find objects around your home to spell out a word. Can you guess what everyone else’s words are?

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