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Award Nominations
Nominations for Scout Good Service Awards as well as Meritorious Conduct, Gallantry, Cornwell Scout Badge and Chief Scout's Personal Award can be initiated by any adult.

Nominations must be supported or approved by the relevant Lead Volunteer or an Award Nominations Supporter, before being submitted to UK Headquarters.
Good Service Award nominations must be submitted via the membership system. Nominations will then be passed to the relevant Lead Volunteer or Award Nominations Supporter for support or approval. The UK Headquarters Scout Awards Team will be notified of the Award by the membership system.

Before making a nomination, individuals should consult the relevant guidance notes.
Meritorious Conduct, Gallantry, Cornwell Scout Badge and Chief Scout’s Personal Award nomination forms are available.
Before completing a nomination, individuals are advised to consult the relevant guidance notes.

Except in Scotland, completed nomination forms must be supported locally before being sent to for review and, if relevant, approval by the National Awards Advisory Group.[SV – see below]

In Scotland, certain award nominations for Good Service (Silver Acorn, Bar to the Silver Acorn & Silver Wolf) as well as all nominations for Meritorious Conduct, Gallantry, Cornwell Scout Badge & Chief Scouts Personal Award are additionally approved by the Chief Volunteer of Scotland. Following their approval, the nomination will be forwarded to the National Awards Advisory Group. Support from the Scottish Awards Advisory Group may be sought before doing this.