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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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News | 7th January 2021

Welcome to our new UK Chief Commissioner and our new Chair of the Board of Trustees

Welcome to our new UK Chief Commissioner and our new Chair of the Board of Trustees

Blogs | 23rd December 2020

What are some fun activities to do with family and friends on Zoom?

With many of us planning virtual get togethers over the next couple of weeks, we asked for your ideas about holding a family Zoom.

Blogs | 14th December 2020

5 volunteers tell us what they’ve been doing since restarting face-to-face Scouts

The world’s thrown plenty of challenges at us recently, but that hasn’t stopped some groups getting back together. We caught up with some volunteers to find out what it’s been like for them.

Blogs | 9th December 2020

How to keep kids entertained (and educated) at home, with Fritha Quinn

Home educator and parenting blogger Fritha Quinn shares some top tips to keep young people entertained.

Updates | 1st December 2020

Our end of year film

We’re delighted to share our end of year seasonal film with you. Why not share it as a feel good way to end an online meeting with your volunteer teams or your young people in December?

Blogs | 1st December 2020

The road ahead

Our UK Chief Commissioner, Tim Kidd, looks ahead to 2021 and the prospect of a fresh new start for our movement.