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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Blog | 16 September 2024

How we brought in 15 new leaders in two years


Samantha is from Cambridgeshire and runs two Squirrel Dreys for her local area. Since starting the Drey, they’ve seen massive growth. Read our blog to find out Samantha’s secrets to getting more leaders.

Samantha and her volunteers

After Samantha’s local group started their first Squirrel Drey in 2022 with just 12 young people, there was immediate interest from parents and young people in the area. Within a year, the group doubled in size and at 18 months, they decided to open a second Drey.

And with more Squirrels and more interest from the local community, it brought in more leaders.

What’s the magic formula?

Samantha, Team Leader, says her secret to success has been using a teams-based approach that’s all about playing to people’s strengths and making volunteering work for everyone.

Samantha knows everyone’s busy – jobs, kids, life in general – so she’s ensured she has a flexible, fun, and friendly approach that means you can give as much or as little time as you like.

“Some of the leaders love planning activities, while others prefer to just turn up and have fun with the kids. When people have things going on at home and simply can’t commit to planning sessions, we can say that’s fine. They can still be involved whatever way they can, still making a difference, and still part of the Scout family.” As Samantha likes to say, “Whatever you want to give, we’ll take it!”

Inviting parents to take part

Samantha has also seen success by inviting parents to get involved.

“Many times, they drop their little ones off and see how much fun everyone’s having, and suddenly, they’re telling us how they used to be a Cub leader or how they’d love to help out, but are worried about the time commitment.”

But when Samantha explains her flexible approach, it’s like a lightbulb moment for them. They realise they can be part of something special without having to rearrange their entire lives.

Building a sense of community

Samantha says one of the best things about her team is the sense of community they’ve built. There are 30 volunteers across the whole group, and because Samantha and her team are so open and welcoming, people want to be part of it.

“Covid taught us that time is precious, so we’re making sure to use people’s time proactively.” It’s not about doing everything on your own. It’s about being part of something bigger, where everyone chips in and supports each other.

This sense of community extends beyond the weekly sessions too. From a parent who’s a plumber helping out with a leaky tap to another leader organising a fun day out, they’ve built a group of people that truly supports one another. And that’s what keeps people coming back and new volunteers signing up.

Want to grow your group?

Firstly, think about opening a Squirrel Drey. It’s a great way to get new young people interested in Scouts, and helps attract more volunteers along the way. Join our next ‘Thinking about Squirrels’ webinar to get started.

Also, as we transform our volunteer experience, we want flexible volunteering like Samantha’s to be a reality. Find out more about our teams-based approach to volunteering and how this could help your Scout group.

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