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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Blog | 28 May 2024

Have your say in the 2024 Scout Experience Survey


We want to hear from you in the 2024 Scout Experience Survey. There are prizes up for grabs, too.

We run our Scout Experience Survey each year to find out what you think about Scouts. It helps us find out what you love and what you'd like to change, as well as understanding the impact Scouts has on young people and communities.

A Cub is standing on a blue rope tied to a tree and is trying to balance on it. A Scout, two volunteers and another Cub are stood next to the rope as she stands on it.

Why the survey is important 

The Scout Experience Survey helps us understand what’s working well in Scouts, and what we need to improve. This helps us make better decisions about how to spend time and money more effectively to make Scouts better for everyone.

We also use the Scout Experience Survey results to show the positive impact Scouts has on young people and communities. By highlighting these positives, we can make stronger cases for fundraising and have more influence on things like government and the youth sector. This allows us to grow the movement, so we can give more young people skills for life.

What we've learned so far 

Over the years, the survey has uncovered some really valuable insights which we’ve used to inform our work. Some of the key results from last year told us: 

  • The cost for young people to take part in Scouts has been rising.
  • Most young people take part in adventurous activities, learn skills for life and spend time outdoors at Scouts​. However, young people from less affluent areas are less likely to take part in adventurous or outdoors activities​.
  • Most volunteers report that they can be themselves when they are volunteering and volunteering improves their wellbeing​. However, many feel too much is expected of them and their volunteering isn’t flexible.
  • Despite these challenges, young people and volunteers are more satisfied with Scouts than they have been since 2018. We’re committed to continuing to improve Scouts for all members, but we can’t do that without hearing your voice and learning your challenges.

These insights are incredibly useful, and we'd be grateful to hear your thoughts in this year's survey to help us shape our work for the next year.

Download the 2023 Scout Experience Survey key results (PDF).

How you can get involved

Anyone in Scouts aged 13 or older can take part, including young people, parents/carers, and adult volunteers. If you have regular contact with young people or their parents/carers, please share the survey with them so we can learn how Scouts impacts them, too.

We’d be incredibly grateful if you could fill in this years’ survey and give us your feedback about Scouts.

We’ve created three separate surveys for young people, volunteers and parents/carers this year, so make sure you’re using the right link for you!

The survey is open until 18 June 2024, so make sure you take part before then.


As a thank you for your time, we'll enter all young people and volunteers who take part into prize draw for the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher! Plus everyone who takes part will get a 20% discount at Scout Store. All you need to do is give us your email address at the end of the survey. Here’s what’s up for grabs: 

  • 10 x £50 Amazon vouchers for young people aged 13-17 (prize draw) 
  • 10 x £50 Amazon vouchers for adult volunteers (prize draw) 
  • 20% discount code for Scout Store for everyone who takes part 

Remember to complete your survey before 18 June 2024 to be included in the prize draw.

A huge thank you

If you’ve taken part in this year’s Scout Experience Survey, thank you so much. 

We truly appreciate your time, and it’s thanks to your views that we can keep making Scouts better and better for everyone. 

We wish you the best of luck in the prize draw!

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