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News | 21 August 2024

UK wins bid to host the 2027 World Scout Conference


We’re delighted that UK Scouts has won the bid to host the next World Scout Conference in 2027 in London. The news was announced today at this year’s World Scout Conference in Cairo, Egypt.

Five volunteers in UK Scout uniforms and neckers presenting their bid for hosting the World Scout Conference in 2027 on a stage.

The World Scout Conference in London 2027 will bring together delegates from 176 Member Organisations and global partners. Together, we’ll shape the future of the world’s largest youth Movement, supporting 57 million young people to learn skills for life. It’s a moment to found the future together, the theme of our winning bid.

120 years on from the first Scouts camping on Brownsea Island, Poole, Dorset, the conference will be a moment to reflect, reboot and renew to help young people around the world make their voices heard. It’ll be a chance to build common bonds across nations and communities, creating a platform for positive change.

It’s about opening a window into our shared past, making a promise to a new generation and leaving a legacy of hope.

UK Chief Scout, Bear Grylls said: 'Scouting shines brightest when we work together. As someone who lives and works in London for much of my time, I know the city has the energy, vibrancy and, most importantly, the infrastructure to support an event of such global significance.

'At the heart of the conference will be opportunities for sharing and listening to each other. Each of us has something special to offer and unique perspectives. Together we will use these to found the future of our great movement.  

'Scouts was founded in a spirit of innovation, determination and change. To create a better, brighter future for young people. Full of possibility, opportunity, friendship and adventure, where young people’s voices could be heard. London 2027 will be a moment to rekindle that original spirit. To reconnect with bright optimism in which the movement was founded. It will be a moment to make a promise to a new generation.'

Diversity and sustainability

London was chosen as host city for its diversity, with 42% of its residents from diverse backgrounds, as well as its world class venues, excellent infrastructure and international transport links.

The five-day conference is planned to be held in November 2027. We're currently considering two well-established London conference venues to host the event. Delegates will also get to visit Gilwell Park, the home of Scouts, as well as Brownsea Island.

We’ll provide more information on how young people and volunteers from the UK can support nearer the time.

Royal support

Our Joint President, HRH The Duke of Kent was one of the London bid’s strongest supporters.

'Bringing the World Scout Conference to the UK in 2027 will mark an important milestone in Scouting’s history,' he said.

'One hundred and twenty years on from the birth of the movement, it will be a vital opportunity for us as a worldwide family of Scouts to reflect, refocus and renew for the years ahead.'

It'll be a moment for us to dream big and make sure young people can gain the skills to succeed. By holding the conference in the UK, the founding nation of Scouting, and in the great city of London, we can be inspired by its energy and diversity. Together, we can foster a spirit of unity and friendship to make a promise to the next generation.

An opportunity to share and learn

The news is welcomed by Carl Hankinson, UK Chief Volunteer, who supported the bid: 'UK Scouts has pioneered so much in recent years, from the launch of Squirrels for 4-6 year olds, to becoming ‘digital first’ to power our programme and the transformation of our volunteer experience. We’re keen to both share this with the global Scout community, and learn from others.'  

A huge well done and thank you to everyone who worked on this, and most especially to Nigel Hailey who successfully led the UK bid.

Nigel said: 'I'm delighted that the Conference is returning to London for the first time since the first Conference in 1920. There'll be opportunities for people from across the UK to be involved in the planning and to be part of the event – watch this space!'

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