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Blog | 26 July 2023

Here’s what Scouts are up to this summer

Alanah Reid, Creative Content Producer

Summer is here – the season of longer days and bright sunshine. Since we’re in the UK, we sadly can’t promise you sunshine every day.

Whatever the weather's like near you, we hope you can still enjoy camping, adventurous days out and fun-filled outdoor programmes.

As well as the World Scout Jamboree in Korea, here are some exciting Scout events in the UK this summer.

Two Scouts are wearing helmets, t-shirts and neckers while attached to rope near a climbing rock. The Scout to the left has their left leg on the rock and is about to start climbing up, and the Scout to the right is leaning on the rock with their left hand against the rock to support them.

World Scout Jamboree in Korea, 1–12 August

It’s a World Scout Jamboree year. This year, more than 40,000 Scouts from across the world are getting together in Korea for an unforgettable week of activities, networking, and learning skills for life.

Dream:LIVE, 6 August

Want to join in the fun of the Jamboree at your meeting place, camp, or even your home? With Dream:LIVE, you can.

Dream:LIVE brings the excitement of more than 40,000 Scouts at the 25th World Scout Jamboree back home to the UK, through a range of online activities and interactive sessions. 

As well as exciting activities, you’ll also have a chance to learn more about Scouts from all over the world, the 25th World Scout Jamboree in general, and what the UK Contingent’s been doing.

If you’re interested in taking part, make sure you fill out this form.

Sutton Coldfield West District Camp, 23-25 June

In England, Scouts in Sutton Coldfield (a whopping 602, to be exact) have been on an incredible District camp.

Thanks to the 112 volunteers and 59 Explorers supporting their programme, Scouts of all ages came together for a weekend of activities, learning and fun.

It was a fantastic weekend for Scouts to make new friends and try new things – especially the Squirrels, since it was their first ever District camp.

There were many classic Scout camp activities on offer, from learning to safely light fires and eat s’mores, to whizzing down a zip wire and crawling up a climbing wall.

The District even took the opportunity, with so many of their Scouts community together, to thank their volunteers. Many of them went home with certificates in their hands and smiles on their faces.

The camp was a great success and everyone seemed to have a great time. Well done to everyone involved in organising such a brilliant weekend for young people.

Adventure day at PACCAR Scout camp, 16 July

On 16 July, two Scout groups took in an exciting adventure day at PACCAR Scout camp in England. The day was linked to the opening and re-opening of two Scout groups in the Brent District.

We chatted with Derek, one of the organisers, to find out more.

‘The adventure day at PACCAR Scout camp is part of a six-week challenge we run when we open new sections or groups. There are two groups taking part – one of them is a brand new provision for young people with additional needs, which we hope will become our first group for Scouts with additional needs.’

‘The other programme we’re running is the 37th Willesden Cub Scout Challenge. We’re opening this group again after it closed over ten years ago, starting with the Cub Pack.’

‘The last session is a presentation evening, where they’re awarded their certificates. At this point, we chat to parents and carers about volunteering.’

‘The idea behind the adventure day is to showcase the fun and adventurous side of Scouts – not only to the participants, but to their parents and carers who come along for the day, have an amazing time, and go home feeling like they want to help the Scouts provision to carry on after the six-week challenge. It’s how we capture most of our volunteers.’

‘The adventure day raises the level of excitement, as it’s completely new to those taking part and they really look forward to it.’ 

Two Cub Scouts are wearing light blue neckers and running outside with a brown fence to their left. On their right are old tyres on the ground, and they're both wearing t-shirts and shorts. They're looking at the ground and smiling as they run.
Cubs at 37th Willesden had a great time completing their challenge earlier in July.

ScotJam 2023, 15–28 July

In Scotland, ScotJam is back. At Scout Adventures in Lochgoilhead, they’re holding incredible residential experiences for Cubs and Scouts.

There’ll be lots of fun, outdoor adventures and badges. Cubs and Scouts are spending the week exploring the forest, hills and water surrounding the Scouts Adventures Lochgoilhead centre.

They’re taking part in a wide range of activities including climbing, abseiling and paddle sports. The young people will be looked after by an experienced volunteer team as they delve into these adventurous days.

The Cubs and Scouts are sleeping indoors and will enjoy three nutritious meals a day from the professional on-site catering team.

Badge Activity Days, 7–10 August

At Scout Adventures Fordell Firs in Scotland, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are getting ready for two exciting all-day events where they’re getting to try lots of different activities. These activities are all about helping them earn their Adventure Challenge Award, and what better time to get out and about than in the summer?

The Badge days include various activities, including Roped, Target and traditional bush craft-based sessions. They’ll never be far from adventure.

North West Belfast District Scouts, start of June

There’ve been a couple of fun-filled District camps in Northern Ireland this summer. North West Belfast Scouts enjoyed their District camp at the start of June.

Scott, their District Commissioner, says, ‘We’re only a small District with just five Groups from the most deprived area in Northern Ireland. The camp’s the highlight of our Scouts calendar each year.’

Their camp was at Lorne Guide Centre and 100 Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Beavers, and volunteers camped over the weekend. They were happily joined by 80 Beavers and Squirrels on the Saturday.

The District got funding from the National Lottery Community Fund NI, which helped them run a full programme of activities, including climbing, high ropes, archery, airsoft, and patrol competitions.

The local police supported the District with a crime scene base and there was a First Aid base to help young people learn all about administering First Aid.

There was even time to enjoy a yummy ice cream and go sliding down a ‘slippery slope.’

We hope everyone had a wonderful time.

All Wales Cub Fun Day, 10 June

The All Wales Cub Fun Day finally returned in-person this year, following a break due to COVID-19. 

Over 1,500 young people visited the Royal Welsh Showground in Builth Wells for a fun-filled day of activities. 

The event was split into 4 zones: Adventure, World, Skills and Outdoor. It mainly focused on the Cubs Challenge badges. There was an assault course, Water slide, Archery, Laser shooting, high ropes, zip wire, Sumo suits, African drums and much more. They had so much fun, while gaining valuable skills for life at the same time. 

The feedback's been amazing, and there are plans already in place for a bigger and better event in 2025.

The Barry Scout and Guide Annual Fete, 1 July

Also in Wales, the Barry Scout and Guide Annual Fete took place in Romilly Park, Barry. Approximately 5,000 people came along and attempted to beat the world record for the biggest human fleur-de-lis!

There were fun and games for all ages, from the youngest Rainbow to the oldest Explorer.

The event raised over £10,000 for the local Scout and Guide groups and helped promote some of the local charities local around Barry and the Vale of Glamorgan.

Iceland international camp, 19–25 August

At the end of August, as one of the many international camps happening across Wales, a contingent of 40 young people from across Cardiff and Vale Area are off to Iceland for an international camp.

They'll be supported by a team of eight volunteers and the young people will take part in a wide range of activities.

We're sure they're going to make such great memories.

We hope you’ve been enjoying the summer so far, and we hope you’re getting to enjoy lots of fun adventures, camps, and activities.

If you’re looking for fun things to keep you busy, why not try our Sixty Days of Summer bucket list?

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