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News | 17 January 2023

The search is on for a new Chief Commissioner of Scotland


After five years leading Scouts in Scotland as Chief Commissioner, Andrew Sharkey will be stepping down later this year. We are now looking for our next Chief Commissioner of Scotland to lead Scouts into the future.

Thank you Sharkey!

During his time as Chief Commissioner, Sharkey has provided leadership within Scotland at a critical time as we have embarked on our Skills for Life strategy and latterly navigated through a global pandemic affecting the very essence of how we deliver Scouting to young people in Scotland.

He’s worked in partnership with the staff and trustees of Scouts Scotland to lead the Scotland Leadership Team to ensure our Regions, Districts and Scout Groups have been supported to deliver brilliant programme to our young people.

As part of Team UK and more recently the UK Leadership Team, as well as the UK’s Operations Committee and then Strategy & Delivery Committee, Sharkey has contributed to the development of Scouting across the whole of the United Kingdom, ensuring Scottish interests play a key part in UK decision-making.

We'd like to thank Andrew for his dedication and commitment over the past five years as Chief Commissioner.

Chief Commissioner of Scotland, Andrew Sharkey in a navy polo wearing a UK necker

The search for the new Chief Commissioner of Scotland

We're now looking to find your next Chief Commissioner of Scotland. This is an important volunteer leadership role for our movement as we work together to provide Skills for Life for even more young people across Scotland through our inclusive growth efforts. 

The Chief Commissioner role is about leadership, providing support for a team of volunteers in key leadership roles by being a great coach, critical friend and providing inspiration. Leadership in the Scouts is about creating the conditions for our people to succeed whilst having fun and finding fulfilment along the way. Being the Chief Commissioner of Scotland is no different.

It's our ambition to create the best possible team to lead UK Scouts, and we believe that we will do that by inviting and involving volunteers from different walks of life with different experiences, different skills and perspectives. So at this time we are really keen to provide opportunities for people to develop their skills, interests and experience in Scouting in a supportive and enjoyable way. You do not need years of experience in Scouts or in life, we're looking to identify volunteers with potential and enthusiasm for what we are here to achieve together for young people who we can help develop along the way.  

You'll find more information along with full details on how to nominate someone or apply yourself on the recruitment page.

The closing date for nominations and applications is Monday 27 February 2023 at 12 noon and we'll be inviting shortlisted candidates to attend interviews on Sunday 19 March near Edinburgh.

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