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Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Update | 28 October 2021

Last minute opportunity for Scout Groups and Districts to get a £700 grant


With the help of an amazing volunteer, we’ve secured a brilliant opportunity for you to claim a £700 grant from Amazon.   

You’ll need to share your details by this Friday 29 October at 4pmvia this form. We’ll share this data with Amazon so that they can nominate your Scout Group or District for an Amazon grant. Amazon will share this data with GiveHub to make the nomination. Please carefully read the data protection statement in the form.  

We appreciate there isn’t much time to do this, however we’ve just heard too and we thought this was too good an opportunity not to share. This is a great short-term win as it’s a 30-second job for a potential £700 grant! And it’s available for all Scout Groups and Districts. This is not intended for County/Area/Regions or other Scout related charities. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. Why is this so last minute? This could not be helped. Amazon confirmed on Monday that we could submit multiple applications with just one Amazon employee name against them all. We then undertook more due diligence until Wednesday, allowing us to tell Group Scout Leaders and District Explorer Scout Commissioners on Thursday. Amazon has a non-negotiable deadline of Friday 29 October. 
  2. Are we guaranteed to receive the grant? We believe it is highly likely that you will receive the grant if you provide your details by the deadline. However we cannot guarantee it. Amazon will undertake their own due diligence on your suitability.  
  3. Why can’t we find this opportunity advertised elsewhere? This is an internal Amazon employee initiative. Our engagement with Amazon has led to allowing one Amazon employee, who is also a volunteer in Scouting, to put their name against all Scout applications.    
  4. If successful, when would we receive the grant? We do not know at this stage. 
  5. Can Districts apply on behalf of Explorer provision? Yes. Districts deliver provision for Explorer and Network Scouts.  
  6. Can Counties/Area/Regions or other Scout Charites apply? No. The grant is not intended for infrastructure or charities who do not serve young people directly in specific communities.    
  7. Can Groups and Districts in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland apply? Yes. This scheme is run by Amazon across Europe.   
  8. Are there any obligations if we accept the grant? Not that we are aware of. The grant will need to be received into a legitimate account and used to further your charitable objectives, but there are no specific restrictions or need to report on spend. Although there are no obligations to report what you spend money on, we would guess Amazon may get in touch about this or for help with PR opportunities.  
  9. What will happen to our data? The details you submit will be shared with Amazon directly and will be used for the purpose of grant nomination only by Amazon, their data privacy policy can be found here. Amazon uses the GiveHub platform to make the nomination. This platform is based in the US and as such are not subject to the GDPR, therefore your consent is required to transfer your data. The privacy policy for GiveHub can be found hereThe personal details provided will be securely destroyed by Amazon and The Scouts once the data has been added to GiveHub. GiveHub give no such assurance, however you are able to opt out of any marketing communications they send you.  

Full details of the Scouts data protection policies can be found here. 

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