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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Update | 02 November 2021

Virgin Money Giving closure – what to do if you have an account

The front of a white Scouts minibus covered in multi-coloured balloons at London Pride

Many of you will be aware that Virgin Money Giving is closing. It will stop operating on 30 November 2021. This information is important to any Scout Group with an account and anyone who has a fundraising page set up. Here’s some support and advice:

My Scout Group has a VMG account:

  • Please set up an account on an alternative fundraising platform. JustGiving is the most commonly used fundraising platform, but they all have their own merits and shortfalls so make sure to do your research into fees and how easy they are to use before signing up.
  • When you’re set up, please make sure to contact all your regular givers and explain what’s happening and that they can continue to support your Scout Group with a Direct Debit on your new fundraising platform.

What do I do about my fundraising event?

If you have a fundraising page set up and your event takes place near or after 30 November 2021, we advise that you create a new fundraising page on an alternative platform. When this is set up, log all your existing donations as ‘offline’ donations. This means that you won’t need to start from £0 and you can maintain your fundraising momentum. Please remember to update your fundraising page link on all your social media posts and communications, and to thank all your supporters and direct them to your new fundraising page.

We're here to help with your transition from Virgin Money Giving to an alternative fundraising platform. You can use this experience as an opportunity to contact your network, explain the changes and encourage them to visit your fundraising page or make a donation.

For more information, please visit the Virgin Money Giving website.

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