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Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Blog | 09 October 2020

World Mental Health Day resources


Today is World Mental Health Day. Over the last few months, we’ve talked about the different ways to support our young people (and each other) in challenging times. We’ve gathered these blogs and resources together below – have a read (or bookmark for later).

Mental health resources

Mental health can sometimes feel like a complex and intimidating subject. However, anyone can experience a mental ill health, so being able to talk about it is important to us all. And you don’t need to be an expert on mental health. You can start by taking a look at the guidance on our website here.

How to be kind to yourself

Practising self-care makes us more resilient, and equips us to deal with curveballs life throws our way. It looks different for everyone – there’s no right way to do it. We spoke to Suzy Reading, a chartered psychologist, author, and wellbeing expert, to explore the ways we can look after our mental wellbeing (and be kind to ourselves along the way).

Keeping a gratitude diary

Research shows young people who practise being grateful do better in almost every metric than their less grateful peers. We spoke to Dr Rangan Chatterjee, physician, author, presenter and podcaster, to learn more about the benefits of looking on the bright side, then asked some young people to write their own gratitude diaries and share them with us.

Reflecting on resilience

Explorer Scout Leader Tony Malone reflects on the meaning of resilience, and why, when we face setbacks, it’s okay not to feel okay.

Activities to help your young people learn how to bounce back

We all know that it’s important to be able to pick yourself up and carry on when things go wrong. The good news is that resilience isn’t something you’re born with (or without): everyone can develop the skills they need to be resilient.

Plenty of the activities on our Scouts programme planning tool are designed to help young people learn how to adapt to challenges and bounce back, all while looking after their wellbeing. Here are five of our favourite resilience-building activities.

Wellbeing Champions

If you and your young people would like to take some practical action, why not consider becoming a Wellbeing Champion and help us #TearDownTheTaboo?

We’re creating 10,000 Wellbeing Champions: people who have committed to help tear down the taboo around mental health and do what they can to boost people’s wellbeing. Find out more here.





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